Stitchflesh Misplaced Signet bugged


New Member
Hello. Was trying to get the ring from Necrotic Wake with my resto shammie LVL 11. After more than a dozen tries, it finally dropped.... with 252 ilvl and only usable at 50 LVL??!!!? So useless. Decided to go on a few more tries and to see if it drops with correct ilvl and got the Blightborne Spaulders with the same ilvl and usable at 50 LVL. Submitted a ticket and got a response from a GM saying that is a known bug. Here is a crop from the response:

" It looks like the item levels for rings like Stichflesh's Misplaced Signet and other loot are indeed dropping at higher levels than they should for characters around level 11. This is a known issue, and our team is already looking into it. While I can't provide a fix right now, I recommend keeping an eye on future updates, as our developers are working hard to resolve this."

Already submitted the bug also.


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