Starting a 70 twink -- not sure what to go with


im starting a 70 twink and was wondering whats been doing well lately...heres what i was looking at.

Enhance shaman

Shadow Priest

Resto Shaman



Feral Druid

I havent played in the 70 brackets since BC, and that was hands down my favorite WoW period. I rocked a shadow priest back in the day and stopped after s3 so im a little out of the times.

Thanks in advance!
Feral is super bursty, and shamans in full pve gear 141+ can do a big amount of damage, Resto is getting nerfed (shaman) a well played rogue can do tons of damage.
spriests if played well are awesome
hunters are bad? they can lead dps in pve and lead damage/killingblows/ low deaths in bgs. just not good in arena.
SMF being subpar would be my guess. considering there arent that many slow/slow str weps... when you get to sunwell a 2.6 OH fist wep drops from trash, and the MH drops from KJ. neither are str based, but they should do well; not sure if they'd out dps 2x aplyon via TG though. then you have arms which might do decent considering you only need 8% hit to hard cap hit whereas fury has the 8% soft cap, 26.whatever hard white cap, and expertise cap (tho not sure if going for hard cap/exp cap is advisable at 70...seems to be what 85s are doing though)
lol u should never go oom as spriest. frank u were complaining in av about this, just get the talent where if shadow word death hurts you, you get 10% of your mana back. or dispersion for the hell of it.
threesets said:
lol u should never go oom as spriest. frank u were complaining in av about this, just get the talent where if shadow word death hurts you, you get 10% of your mana back. or dispersion for the hell of it.

Even with shadowfiend,dispersion,masochism,Hymn of hope i'l go faster oom then other mana classes/speccs.

However Shadow is a amazing n fun specc besides the mana/dispel problems.
Frankdrebin said:
Even with shadowfiend,dispersion,masochism,Hymn of hope i'l go faster oom then other mana classes/speccs.

However Shadow is a amazing n fun specc besides the mana/dispel problems.

Idd it is :)

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