Stanglethorn Fishing Extravaganza Guide!


Stranglethorn Fishing Extravaganza Guide
(Booty Bay fishing competition or tournament)

“Ahoy there ma’ harties! This be the Guide to get ya the fishies you be needing for contest!”

When: Sunday, 14:00 to 16:00 - PST for US realms, CET for EU realms, and Australian EST for Oceanic realms.
Where: Northern Stranglethorn and The Cape of Stranglethorn
Requires: Fishing skill 1 (Requires 225+ if you want rare fish and less junk caught!)

Preparation for the Contest: Make sure you level your Fishing Skill to at least 225. You can do this in less than a few hours in your major city (Orgrimmar or Stormwind). Make sure you have plenty of Lure’s (can be bought from a fishing vendor, next to a fishing trainer. Ask a Guard if you are not sure!)

Tip: Make sure you put the ‘Fishing’ ability on your action bar. You may need to re-cast very quickly to get your bobber in the pool’s! (I have it keybinded to ‘1’)

Getting to the Contest: If you haven’t been to booty bay, this is what you need to do.

Horde: You will need to go from Orgrimmar south towards ‘Ratchet’ (10 minute’s on Mount). South East of ‘The Crossroads’. Get the boat at Ratchet and that will take you straight to Booty Bay! Simple!


Alliance: I am afraid it is a bit more tricky for you. Starting at Stormwind, you will need to travel South down to Booty Bay. (This may take some time, so do it at least an hour before the contest). Watch out for mobs! Example route given below...


This is a map of The Cape of Stranglethorn, Eastern Kingdoms. (Booty Bay - Starting Point)

- The Green cross is Booty Bay, This is where your Hearthstone should be set to before the contest begins and is also the place to hand in Rare Fish and 1st, 2nd and 3rd place Prizes.

- The Blue line is the Route you will be swimming from Booty Bay to the place you are going to fish before the contest begins (This is the safest route to avoid mobs) watch out for the pirates!

- The Red line is where you will be fishing. (you will need to run up and down that route looking for pools to spawn) Make sure you run right on the edge of the beach. (to avoid mobs)


So its 13:45 realm time and you are about to begin the contest in 15 minutes. You should find a nice pool across the red line (map above) and sit there and wait until 14:00. (note: don’t fish until exactly 14:00 or you won’t get any of the fish you need and waste a pool). Just before 14:00 make sure you have your pole equipped and lures attached!
The Fishing itself is simple! this is what will happen.

1: Wait for ‘Riggle Bassbait’ to yell, "Let the fishing tournament begin!" That happens at (or sometimes just before) 14:00, and can be heard across the zone. You do not need to be in Booty Bay.

2: Fish the Pool’s which spawn on the Route you will be taking. That simple folks!
(Don’t panic if you can’t see any pools, just keep running up and down the route I showed you in the picture above and you will see pools, sometimes might take a while for them to spawn) **Take note, don’t be put off if there is loads of people there. A lot of them will be on different server’s, so if they win before you, it won’t matter. Also, you got to be ruthless! don’t think “ahw, this guy has been waiting at this same place for this pool... he can have it. i will find a different one.” NO! you got to get in their and ninja that pool! steal every pool you can find!

3: Once you have caught the 40 fish or rare fish you need, make sure to Hearthstone back to Booty Bay to save you time!

You have two options to approaching this contest.

- To win 1st, 2nd or 3rd place in the Contest, you need to catch 40 ‘Speckled Tastyfish’ and hand it in before anyone else. (or after 1st or 2nd place winner) (rewards at bottom of this guide)

- You can Fish for ‘Rare Fish’... Brownell’s Blue Striped Racer, Dezian Queenfish and Keefer’s Anglefish can be taken to Fishbot 5000 and exchanged for fishing gear described in the rewards section at the bottom of this guide. Fishbot 5000 stands next to Riggle Bassbait in the centre of Booty Bay. (They both have blue question marks above their head’s)
Note: If you are going for 1st, 2nd or 3rd place in this contest, you will have to be as quick as possible, as it’s a competition.
Note: If you are going for the Rare Fish, then there is no panic at all! they can be handed in from 14:00 till 17:00 and any amount of them can be handed in by as many player’s. (But you only have from 14:00 till 16:00 to catch a rare fish!)


Stranglethorn Fishing Extravaganza - World Event - World of Warcraft

Made this because a friend wanted help and I can’t Sunday because i am doing the Contest myself for another Character. If you have problems with this guide then post below. And/or if you want to suggest adding anything to this guide, post below! Hope this helps you, and good luck fishing folks!

For the more experienced players... here is some posts by players.

"Okay since I am blind (somewhat literally speaking) I tried to use the button macro that put your fish count on your hotbar if you wanted to view it there instead of looking in the inventory.

#showtooltip Speckled Tastyfish

Put that in a macro and stick it on your hotbar. But, like I said, with poor vision and the fact I like my hotbar small, I could not see the count. So I wanted to make a TellMeWhen counter for this. Took me a bit to figure it out, but I wanted to share in case others wanted something similar (simply use TMWs import feature to include the following trackers you want):

Keefer's Angelfish:

^1^T^SStackMinEnabled^B ^SType^Sitem ^SOnlyInBags^B ^SStackMin^N1 ^SName^S19805 ^SStackMax^N40 ^SEnableStacks^B ^SEnabled^B ^t^N61501^S~`~| ^Sicon^^

Speckled Tastyfish:

^1^T^SStackMinEnabled^B ^SType^Sitem ^SOnlyInBags^B ^SStackMin^N1 ^SName^S19807 ^SStackMaxEnabled^B ^SEnableStacks^B ^SEnabled^B ^SStackMax^N40 ^t^N61501^S~`~| ^Sicon^^

If you want to test this with fish prior to the tournament, change the number 19805 or 19807 to the item number of the fish you want to track (Raw Rainbow Fin Albacore is 6361, for example)." - Mangoes
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Couldn't make a thread on 'Guide' section, so that's why its on here. Hopefully it will be moved. :) m

Made it to help a friend out who's new to wow. Hopefully at least one other person can benefit from this.
Great for people who are new to the ways of F2P. Really nice work (might correct a few errors and add that you can also fish in Northern Stranglethorn around Grom'gol and not only in the Cape).

Get a free bump btw.
During the contest, one can fish off pools anywhere on the coasts of the Cape of Stranglethorn, though areas with less mobs are usually preferred for low level twinks for obvious reasons. [Though, I'm unsure if chances to catch Keefer's are dependent or independent of one's location, given that person is in the Cape of Stranglethorn. I see no reason why the chances of catching Keefer's are dependent on location.]

Besides what you, lolipopp, highlighted as a popular fishing area, for Horde (and possibly Alliance too) the coasts around and at Hardwench Hideaway (the only other Horde flight spot in the Cape) and behind/around the Gurubashi Arena are another popular spot. Be advised that the Horde goblins around Hardwench Hideaway are hostile to Alliance players.
In general, the pools can spawn anywhere on any coasts around the Cape, and the number of pools in the zone is directly proportional to the number of players in the zone.

Oh, and finally, bring a hit-in-every-slot gear set, or as much hit rating as you can, in case you attract mobs and need to hit, and thus, kill them to get to fishing again.

If you lure a mob and are on a mount while not near a fish pool, just outrun the mob until it attacks you near a pool. Mobs only follow so far before they run back to where they were. Being in a tank spec is also recommended, as tanks cannot be dazed off mounts by mobs. That's also another reason why tank classes are BiS for world solo-explorations, or any scenario involving outrunning mobs.

Furthermore, some mobs (cats and crocodiles around the coasts above Hardwench Hideaway and behind Gurubashi Arena) don't follow players who are in the water, and won't follow if the player swims far enough away. I do believe one has to swim some distance before mob aggro drops, similar to outrunning mobs before they drop aggro.
- set loot to auto loot.
- swim speed potions from fishing dailys to move between islands or swimming away from mobs.
- I got blow up fishing (as Alliance) outside Grom Gol by the guards on the docked zep. They were hitting for 1.5k. I was right under the docked zep.

Stranglethorn Extravaganza Contest - El's Extreme Anglin' - WoW Fishing Guide says you can fish inland pools. I never tried it.

Autoloot is only for those that want to win the fishing contest. For those that fish for the hat autoloot makes no difference
Autoloot is only for those that want to win the fishing contest. For those that fish for the hat autoloot makes no difference

Absolutely wrong. We've had people lose the hat before because they closed the loot window on Keefer's. Autoloot prevents that from happening.
Absolutely wrong. We've had people lose the hat before because they closed the loot window on Keefer's. Autoloot prevents that from happening.

Autoloot doesn't work on Bind on Pickup items...
i am probably wrong, you can probably fish from skill level 1. From my experience, 225 is around the number where you start to catch less junk. And catching less junk = winning contest.

And why are most of the comments about that one issue... "nice guide dude, however, could you change this?" would be more gratefully received.
i am probably wrong, you can probably fish from skill level 1. From my experience, 225 is around the number where you start to catch less junk. And catching less junk = winning contest.

And why are most of the comments about that one issue... "nice guide dude, however, could you change this?" would be more gratefully received.
There is no junk in pools, fishing skill only matters when fishing outside pools, which you shouldn't when fishing for tasty fish/angelfish.

To improve the guide add more options than the coasts just near booty bay, Northern stranglethorn is very viable, as most f2ps can solo a couple of those mobs, not to mention a lot of the pools are completely free of mobs. There is probably less competition in inland pools which also work. And of course get rid of the misinformation.
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Okay since I am blind (somewhat literally speaking) I tried to use the button macro that put your fish count on your hotbar if you wanted to view it there instead of looking in the inventory.

#showtooltip Speckled Tastyfish

Put that in a macro and stick it on your hotbar. But, like I said, with poor vision and the fact I like my hotbar small, I could not see the count. So I wanted to make a TellMeWhen counter for this. Took me a bit to figure it out, but I wanted to share in case others wanted something similar (simply use TMWs import feature to include the following trackers you want):

Keefer's Angelfish:

^1^T^SStackMinEnabled^B ^SType^Sitem ^SOnlyInBags^B ^SStackMin^N1 ^SName^S19805 ^SStackMax^N40 ^SEnableStacks^B ^SEnabled^B ^t^N61501^S~`~| ^Sicon^^

Speckled Tastyfish:

^1^T^SStackMinEnabled^B ^SType^Sitem ^SOnlyInBags^B ^SStackMin^N1 ^SName^S19807 ^SStackMaxEnabled^B ^SEnableStacks^B ^SEnabled^B ^SStackMax^N40 ^t^N61501^S~`~| ^Sicon^^

If you want to test this with fish prior to the tournament, change the number 19805 or 19807 to the item number of the fish you want to track (Raw Rainbow Fin Albacore is 6361, for example).

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