Stamina to AP equivalency

This goes out to all Warriors, Ret Paladins, Rogues, Feral Druids and I suppose even hunters:

I'm trying to get a better feel of how much Stamina is worth in comparison to Attack Power. I've already done all the testing, so I have my numbers on how Crit Rating, Agility, Strength, etc. translate for damage output but I'd like your thoughts on this.

Just based on popular enchants, mail-wearers will almost without fail put +12 Strength on their bracers rather than 12 Stamina, which gives us a starting point of 24 AP > 12 Stamina. At what point, in your mind, do they equal out?

I'd love to hear your thoughts on this from the "feel" you get, to any number-crunching you may have done. Thanks!

generally, 1 stam = 2 attack power, but some classes have % bonuses to certain stats from talents that increase the worth of a certain stat, a stat's worth changes the more of it you stack (opportunity cost), etc
AP/Damage Potential as compared to stamina and effective health is highly dependant upon the surroundings. There is no 'set' option.

Class, role, who you're quing with, which battleground your doing, what your opposition is working with, all of this effects whether to use glassy or stamina-based stats.

As a rogue, generally you want more ap than stamina. However, with the ability to vanish and equip a new set, you might as well run with a stamina set then switch to an ap/crit set after the first bit of combat.

I generally consider 1 stam = 1 str on my warr for a balanced set; I had monkey wrists with stam and power with str (when I was 39) and would switch between them, etc.
darzk said:
AP/Damage Potential as compared to stamina and effective health is highly dependant upon the surroundings. There is no 'set' option.

Class, role, who you're quing with, which battleground your doing, what your opposition is working with, all of this effects whether to use glassy or stamina-based stats.

As a rogue, generally you want more ap than stamina. However, with the ability to vanish and equip a new set, you might as well run with a stamina set then switch to an ap/crit set after the first bit of combat.

I generally consider 1 stam = 1 str on my warr for a balanced set; I had monkey wrists with stam and power with str (when I was 39) and would switch between them, etc.


I was unhappy with my 2300 health in max itemization gear on my warrior so i stacked on about 400 health at the cost of ~2% crit and 75 ap
eh. rogues dont need too much stamina because of their ability to pick targets, the escape moves and how confident you are in getting the opener.

how much stamina you need for any class is totally based on your playstyle, if you are defensive, moving out of danger when you see its coming, or if your not.

there would be a minimum staminaneed for any class that im sure can be set pretty accurately, but it all depends on so much, if your going solo, with backup, in arena, or in bgs.

generally you would say that you need more stamina in arenas than in bgs, so get balanced, ap, and balanced set. try all and see yourself what fits your playstyle in different places.
imo there is a break even point for stam/AP. if you are at 2k HP as warry for example i would get some stam, even if it means to loose higher amounts of AP.

at 3k HP it is the other way around.
The rogue's I see in the 39's bracket vary between 1700-2300 health on average. As long as you fall between that range my advice would be to just try a few games, and see what you feel you need more the ap/agi, or the extra stam.
The way i see it, your gear choice should be dictated by your setting. If your in a bg or arena even with no healer, stam takes on a more important role. If your getting healbotted and the other side cant take you down, more glass canon type gear would be beneficial. For the most part though, balanced gear, meaning gear that maximizes stats, are the best pieces.
AP-heavy is my personal preference for BGs, though its pretty sub-par for 2v2 due to LOLBURST as I'm finding out.

... that and Priest/Lock are having an absurd amount of damage mitigation via AC these days, which completely nullifies all that extra AP I geared in to.

I mean seriously, I can Ambush a Ret/War for more than some of these cloth builds.
Jancith said:
AP-heavy is my personal preference for BGs, though its pretty sub-par for 2v2 due to LOLBURST as I'm finding out.

... that and Priest/Lock are having an absurd amount of damage mitigation via AC these days, which completely nullifies all that extra AP I geared in to.

I mean seriously, I can Ambush a Ret/War for more than some of these cloth builds.

This is true, my priest has about 400 more armor than my enh sham. Inner fire ftw
I find that for arenas (as a rogue) stam is getting much much more useful than ap in arenas once you have a decent amount of ap. I just dont find myself having too much trouble doing damage whereas with the ridiculous percentage of my health some builds can take out within one gcd that stamina is much more useful.

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