Stam drinks?????


Can we (f2p) get either rumsey rum, halaani whiskey or any other stam drinks? If so how?

Rumsey Rum Black Label +15 (also Rumsey Rum Dark +10 and Rumsey Rum Light +5) can be fished by F2Ps, but not bought. Wowhead has fishing spots. There should also be a lot of threads about best fishing spots somewhere around here.

Halaani Whiskey can be bought in Halaa. F2Ps can go to Outland through the Dark Portal or get summoned. I can't be bothered to search, but there are also likely threads about the best route to Halaa. If not, I can tell you mine.

As food and drink buff are now one and the same, highest food buff would be Tasty Lion Steak +8 (or Heavy Crocolisk Stew +8).
True, I like DMF for the fishing. And Rona.
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Solvogero... is working on something... HE'S OOOONN NOWW ... A new list.
Fixded due to my horable inglish sorry for posting
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Just sayin

Don't try to correct other people's English when you barely have a passing knowledge of it yourself. The plural would simply be DPS. An apostrophe denotes ownership or is used to replace letters in a contraction. For example, just sayin'. You can't blame this one on a typo.
Say, if you want to communicate that an occult sacrificial ritual is held by a family Harris, what would be a correctly formed plural?

The Harrises are holding a occult sacrificial ritual next Tuesday.
The Harris' are holding a occult sacrificial ritual next Tuesday.
The Harris are holding a occult sacrificial ritual next Tuesday.

I'm curious.
Say, if you want to communicate that an occult sacrificial ritual is held by a family Harris, what would be a correctly formed plural?

The Harrises are holding a occult sacrificial ritual next Tuesday.
The Harris' are holding a occult sacrificial ritual next Tuesday.
The Harris are holding a occult sacrificial ritual next Tuesday.

I'm curious.

The Harris family is (performing/hosting/XYZ) an occult sacrifical ritual next Tuesday.
Don't try to correct other people's English when you barely have a passing knowledge of it yourself. The plural would simply be DPS. An apostrophe denotes ownership or is used to replace letters in a contraction. For example, just sayin'. You can't blame this one on a typo.

I believe DPS's would be the most widely accepted form. As DPS is an acronym and ends in "S" the apostrophe may be added for clarity. If the acronym DPS had periods "D.P.S." it would fall under slightly different rules. I don't think "DPSes" is accurate unless it has melded into the english language like the words radar and scuba.
Harris family, or Harrises would both be acceptable. As far as what is most widely used, and so accepted, then simply DPS would be it. If you tried to add an s, es or 's to the end of DPS you'd be making it damage per seconds, which changes its meaning completely.

You'd be surprised how many people confuse then and than, as well as the use of would of instead of would've, both pronounced the same, but would've is short for would have, which most of the internet write as would of. The same applies to believe and think. They're entirely different words. I once had a fairly long conversation with someone that refused to accept, or believe, that I didn't believe in anything.

As far as stam drinks, or well fed buffs go, they don't stack and Halaani is the best you can get. Rumsey is second. Of course if spirit is important to you, then a case could be made for the cooked buffs as well. If you make a habit of dying more than three times in a single game, then feel free to use Rumsey as a replacement. I always carry a stack with me for just such an occasion, although I rarely use it. The alliance only crystal of vitality does stack with well fed and guardian elixir buffs, so you can have 5 stam from that, 5 stam from a scroll and 20 stam from the whiskey at the same time.
"If you tried to add an s, es or 's to the end of DPS you'd be making it damage per seconds, which changes its meaning completely."

You may want to research that I do not agree with your formula. Or maybe not. I find it interesting. Keep in mind DPS falls under the acronym rules for pluralization, and not under simple nouns.

Reference for any nerds like me actually interested in language:

Acronym and initialism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

(go to Representing plurals and possessives section halfway down)

But, all things considered, this is a video game forum and prison rules apply.
So perhaps we can get back on topic?

Sorry for my GROSS and utterly world shattering grammatical error.

Ark - You ruined Christmas. Errr... yes - stam drinks are obtainable. I would say, as someone else mentioned, fishing at the Darkmoon Faire. It's a good money maker and a chance to get zee pet.
Ark - You ruined Christmas. Errr... yes - stam drinks are obtainable. I would say, as someone else mentioned, fishing at the Darkmoon Faire. It's a good money maker and a chance to get zee pet.
And zee mount!
Yarr, Captain Jack Sparrow be indulging in PvP too much, so he runs out of rum. And he only drinks Rum, no Whiskey.

That's the reason for the eyeliner; Captain Jack Sparrow is a sad panda.

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