Spinebreaker Alliance - Ethereum Prison Key Farming!


Hey guys, so I am going to level my DK to 70+ and startmy Ethereum Prison Key farming.

I am looking for 3 Other people who can do this with me. If we all pitch in about 1000 Keys each, it should be pretty easy.

If you dont already have me on real ID, add me!

I would like to pitch in with my to-be 50 twink on Azjol-Nerub. Hopefully we can do something with CRZ. Also, I really CBA to farm those keys, is it possible for me to buy a spot? I only want to get enough sha'tar rep to use alchemist trinket.
The thing is, 4 of us are supposed to give the 70+ about 4000 keys. And we can't do crossrealm trading. ...
I think as long as the the 5 players are grouped and in the area of the prisons, everyone will get rep regardless of who actually opens the prisons.
yeah but how's he gonna trade his keys to someone on spinebreaker?
Farms keys on his main on Azjol-Nerub, mails them to his 50 (also on AN).

The four Fiftys gather at Netherstorm as well as the high-lvl toon killing the spawns. His 50 on AN should be phased into Spinebreaker. When he right-clicks one of the purple prisons it should open and everyone should get rep!

Unless I'm missing something : /
Farms keys on his main on Azjol-Nerub, mails them to his 50 (also on AN).

The four Fiftys gather at Netherstorm as well as the high-lvl toon killing the spawns. His 50 on AN should be phased into Spinebreaker. When he right-clicks one of the purple prisons it should open and everyone should get rep!

Unless I'm missing something : /

Level 70+ is required to use the keys
Hey Cer Iam willing to get in on this. Iam pretty sure it wont be hard to find someone to open the cages and kill the spawns for us.
What is the benefit? Can we get Shattered Sun rep for the Alchemy trinkets?
I was opening them on my 19 recently, unless it has been changed like very recently I'm fairly sure a 50 can use the keys.

I'll check later. Ty 4info
Alright so I'm offically starting the 1k key grind. If it ends up being really easy ill just do all of it.
I'm botting a dk so I can get my boa so whenever I get to 75 or so I'll help.
Let me know what you do, theres no point in not grouping for this.
I can buy stacks of keys off AH on stormrage, if the grind is insane
Yeah its super easy. Ill post how when I get home.
Is it still not possble to solo an instance more than 5 times pr wihtout getting 'You have entered too many instances recently'?

Wait no I don't think that was why farming the keys was quick, you could run heroic 5 times per hour because its possible to clear all trash right to the last boss without killing any bosses, so you can run it many times each day! Oh and dude, AoE looting, omg farming these keys would be so much quicker now!
Doing this on my lvl 85 mage:

I was getting about 4-5 keys per run in Mana Tombs
Each run was taking me about 6.5 minutes each.

That means to get 1000 Keys, you'd need to do 200-250 runs. Which would take about ~22-27 Hours.
22-27 Hours of grinding for 1000 Keys

Do-able. Should take you about a weeks worth of freetime.

If 4-5 people did this with me, we could all have our BC Recipes by within this week or next week :D
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What's a reasonable price to pay for keys on the AH?

If I transfer I'll grab some for the cause.

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