Speed Hack?!!? Really!??!?


Im not sure how many of you have experienced this, but it seems to be a growing epidemic. I see more and more speed hackers popping in 10-19 WSG now its getting rediculous. I dont care about the xp i get for the loss, but when its on your side.....a 1 min win 3 or more times in a row start adding up. Outside of making complaints on the WoW forum or opening up a ticket that doesnt get answered for days, I guess there isnt much i can do. Just wondering how many others have run across this.
Hmm, I haven't seen a speed hacker in the bracket in a looong time but it sucks that you had to face them. Even if the hacker is on my team, I'll sit out and just let the opposite faction try and kill him.
i havent seen one in a long while, but they are very annoying when the do turn up. Its quite satisfying getting a root on the 500hp mofo and letting a couple team mates down him/
Kore nametooshort said:
i havent seen one in a long while, but they are very annoying when the do turn up. Its quite satisfying getting a root on the 500hp mofo and letting a couple team mates down him/

You can not root what you can not reach or touch =/

If someone is running at 100 times speed and is flying to boot theres no way to stop it.
Get better imo.... Prodigy beat speed hackers.
Kore nametooshort said:
i nature grasped one that was taking jousting to the extreme a long while ago when i was playing my original druid back in the day :p

Rofl. :)

Yeah, before i used to see it once a week maybe, but now i see it almost everyday. Someone different from some different server, and now im starting to see people with other odd things, like a gnomish battle chicken and a mithril dragonling I saw in a few different games. There was a priest who kept pinning me in a 10 sec net, not sure if thats a hack, but i cant find it listed anywhere.
kablam said:
Cant tell if hes trolling.

So like, I was in this warsong right? and like, this hunter like, started trying to kite me, right? and like, you woudn't believe like, how owned he got like, when he saw that you can still charge even though he fire conc shot, like, right? and like, he like was like "omfg HE CHARGED JUST AS I CONC SHOT" so like, I hamstring'd him like, and like, totally like, LOL MACRO him like "LOLOLOLOLOL" and he was leik "FUFUFU!" /spit like and I like killed him cus I'm liek totally pwnage at warrior. And I did like, not get like, healed by 6 people.
lindenkron said:
So like, I was in this warsong right? and like, this hunter like, started trying to kite me, right? and like, you woudn't believe like, how owned he got like, when he saw that you can still charge even though he fire conc shot, like, right? and like, he like was like "omfg HE CHARGED JUST AS I CONC SHOT" so like, I hamstring'd him like, and like, totally like, LOL MACRO him like "LOLOLOLOLOL" and he was leik "FUFUFU!" /spit like and I like killed him cus I'm liek totally pwnage at warrior. And I did like, not get like, healed by 6 people.

u r liek my idoel bro
Exodus said:
Seriously? Tell me how my post is trolling

....and yours isnt.

half of these posts are generally someone with bad lag seeing someone "jumping" whereas a speedhacker runs at 500% speed at all times and/or flies.
one of the great things about playing warrior is that when it comes to a speed hacker, you are able to set focus to the actual hacker then just charge as soon as heir in range. if your lucky they'll get the second stun which is generally enough time to kill them if its just a not a twinked char thats hacking

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