Specialized Engineering at 29 now

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I just discovered (talked to the NPC and saw the specialization quest was available) that you can now specialize into Gnomish Engineering below 30. I have no experience with specialized engineering, and since we are still limited to 225 skill, it may not change anything at all, but I thought it was interesting.

Anyone know if this is useful to twinks?
Cptheal said:
sub make a char on dragonmaw horde....join <WE ARE RAMPAGE> its basicly all the rampage 29s

Ive been thinking about rolling up a druid, but I saw on the forums that you guys have a lot of em. How many sham/priests do you have?
found a things about engineering on the patch notes...

Gnomish Engineers and Goblin Engineers can now switch profession specializations for a fee.

but besides that it doesn't say if it has been reduced or not, so it might be a transparent change that hapenned before the 3.2 patch went lives. sometimes they do this kind of shit and change things without saying. so can anybody confirmed the change to the prof ?
I love zombies, so I'll contribute to this slice of awesomeness.

Gnomish and Goblin specs each provide a different version of the rocket boots which 29s can get. Aside from that, there are also little gadgets for each one that can be fun in a WSG. Gnomes tend to be more about cool inventions, while goblins tend to blow things up.
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