EU+US Some changes that take place with the prepatch


Royal Member
Some changes that take place tomorrow with the prepatch
0-login image in movement + battlenet inteface changes + some new waiting screens + trailer + music
1-interface changes
2-numbers lower: stats(also change ''of the monkey''), ilvl, heal points, damage, ...
3-barber orc change
4-blood elf yellow eyes
5-some new models, like the can of blackrock, etc
6-new abilities, buffs, ...
7-war mode from lvl 20
8-hunters should have taken before the prepatch their phantasmal pets (it will be grandfathered)
9-strand of the ancients and ashran disappears
10-alterac valley goes to '' queue for big battlefields ''
11-PROFESSIONS. First aids dissapears, into alchemist and sastrería. the people with gametime that had professions to 225, especially engineering that is the most useful, could raise it to 300 (will be grandfathered ), since the professions are separated every 150 points for each expansion. p2ps might be able to get northrend eng unless blizz removes it before prepatch
12-teldrassil able (only for high lvls?) during 2 weeks.
13-in 7-8 august, if you have bfa prebought: you have access to lordaeron, 1 week before bfa release
14-LEGION totally free to all those who do not have bfa. You can go to the areas with your 20s, put hearstones in the home in the new dalaran, and a thousand other things. And if you pay, you can lvls up until 110, make quests, and get more toys, reps, items, ... (remember that in this save, the quest of every 6 months of archeology will be active for 2 weeks. key academy nar thalas, in aszuna, the rector will appear, that if we kill, we get the title '' rector '' for our 20s)
15-in bg everything will work: trinkets, items, enchants, stats on the gear+ ilvl (not only the ilvl), so change your gear, and the new engineering items 300and so on!
16-two mounts ally/horde only during the prepatch!!
17-higher quality of the maps
18-hope they don't update the world explorer title until bfa, then we can quickly get legion and get the title!
19- time to get now that we have access to the scenario with the legion incoming (the horde toys and so on were able to buy before having legion because they were before the scenario)


BFA comes 1month, so we have
1 month to get the exploration title
1 month to buy in BMAH (tier 3 xmog set is there)
1 month to get the pvp set 1800 rbg (pvp xmog set there)
but only 8 hours to get the brawlers at rank 8 (heirloom there)

in 8 hours I cant lvl from 100 until 110 and lvl 8 ranks in brawlers XD T.T

I have already learned also first aids 225/800
and fishing 700/800
before prepatch bfa comes

If anything is left, pls tell me and I will add it!
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I hope they nerf this engineering bullshit...its gonna make bgs fkn aids imo....

indeed, this will froce almost every twink to learn engineering to keep up with the other twinks in order to get BiS
I hope they nerf this engineering bullshit...its gonna make bgs fkn aids imo....

It’s hardly going to be aids. It should add a new dynamic to AB with mind control capping people off Lumber Mill, or rocket booting/(belting?) to help an INC faster.

And the other various items like shrink ray to help not get one shot by rogues, a very common thing right now.

So what is more aids, how it is now, or how it’s gojng to be

indeed, this will froce almost every twink to learn engineering to keep up with the other twinks in order to get BiS

What else are you going to take anyway? Chanting and mining? Lol good luck with that. When a twink bracket has a BIS professions people cheer not cry. Wtf is wrong with you people lol
Watching the legion try hards complain it won’t be cookie cutter base abilities only anymore is hilarious.

You and your survival hunter weren’t good. Deal
It’s hardly going to be aids. It should add a new dynamic to AB with mind control capping people off Lumber Mill, or rocket booting/(belting?) to help an INC faster.

And the other various items like shrink ray to help not get one shot by rogues, a very common thing right now.

So what is more aids, how it is now, or how it’s gojng to be

What else are you going to take anyway? Chanting and mining? Lol good luck with that. When a twink bracket has a BIS professions people cheer not cry. Wtf is wrong with you people lol

Well it wold be more awesome if Alchemy wold have BoP OP potions, or enchanting with a OP enchant that requires X enchanting skill. just to make it more flexable. cuz now all twink learn engineering and its the only way to go now
Don't people need engineering in like 60s or 70s? I never see them complaining. In fact I know people love it due to its utility. BiS professions have been a thing for a while now.

The grind for engineering is nothing compared to the grind for other past BiS items.
If it gets nerfed, it gets nerfed. But I'd like for me and other people to at least try it out.
I'm all for professions to be useful in pvp. Imo they should never produce bigger numbers than main abilities. A supplemental addition to your rotation.
10k gold (on my realm) and 1 hour, all you need to go 0 - 300 engineer
northrend engineering gotta test
Don't people need engineering in like 60s or 70s? I never see them complaining. In fact I know people love it due to its utility. BiS professions have been a thing for a while now.

The grind for engineering is nothing compared to the grind for other past BiS items.
If it gets nerfed, it gets nerfed. But I'd like for me and other people to at least try it out.


Engineering really has been the “go to” profession for Lowbies for quite some time. At least for one one of them. Even when profession perks existed I chose engineering for one of my professions.
Hell, my main end game toon has had engineering since Vanilla.
Granted, the engineering profession isn’t for everyone. It does offer a lot of nice and strange items. I am glad for this change.

I hope they nerf this engineering bullshit...its gonna make bgs fkn aids imo....
yeah twinks being op will be aids for sure
indeed, this will froce almost every twink to learn engineering to keep up with the other twinks in order to get BiS
if you wanted bis in legion bgs engineering was almost mandatory too, nothing new. quit being lazy
I was under the impression that Engineering has always been the go-to spec for twinks. That's why Bestin and Slahtz wear goggles isn't it
I picture the same people wailing when trump was elected wailing now that their legion survivor against people in whites is gone. Engineering isn’t the problem - your suck is.

(added point 19

19- time to get now that we have access to the scenario with the legion incoming (the horde toys and so on were able to buy before having legion because they were before the scenario)


If this do not get fixed, f2p will be powned :S

Can F2Ps get this item? I was under the impression that you needed a level 100 character to access the pre-event vendors. I was able to get the Alliance items, but not the Horde because I didn't have a level 100 Horde toon.


BFA comes 1month, so we have
1 month to get the exploration title
1 month to buy in BMAH (tier 3 xmog set is there)
1 month to get the pvp set 1800 rbg (pvp xmog set there)
but only 8 hours to get the brawlers at rank 8 (heirloom there)

in 8 hours I cant lvl from 100 until 110 and lvl 8 ranks in brawlers XD T.T

I have already learned also first aids 225/800
and fishing 700/800
before prepatch bfa comes

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