Soloing Dungeons?


Is it possible to solo dungeons as pure F2P with adequate gear? Depends on class? Looking to get some more mog pieces and if soloable would be less headache. <3
Yesterday I managed to solo all bosses of Lower Blackrock Spire as a protadin (prot for AoEing trashes down, and a few bosses as ret, if my ret spec can handle a boss’ mechanics). Word of glory heals helped me a few times, especially versus trash mobs which used mana burns or when I was almost OOMing in a boss fight.

I’ll note that’s on a linked F2P paladin with Crusader, and ilvl 50 gears from legion quests, though I’m willing to bet I can solo it again as prot with ilvl 25 gears instead.
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with a bit of skill, and generous use of revive pet and feign death, i was able to solo hellfire ramparts on a MM hunter with not optimal (yet) gear, ill test some more later
my lvl 10 MM huntard in almost full (obtainable, not grandfathered) bis gears solo's anythin he walks into. His only aoe is the grenade belt at 10 and can still handle 15+ mobs. He also 3 shots bosses. My 20 war also holds his own vs packs of 5+ and bosses with ease as fury, so should be viable with multiple classes.
I'd personally say Prot Pally, but I haven't played too much Prot at 20. Vengeance DH falls off because of not a strong self heal and lack of mitigation imo. At 10, Prot, Guardian, and BM Monk are by far, a few of the best bets to solo bosses. Monk is also great because of Touch of Death, but their DPS is also considerably lower. I had trouble with the Hunter/Lock/Mage, the pets just couldn't hold aggro on the first boss of EoA, and Mages aren't tanky enough to burst a boss down

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