Socketed cloak & wrist

Wrists from essentially all Dungeon bosses (not timewalking) can proc an extra socket at ~10% chance, so just check the journal for which wrist has stats you need and then start farming.

For cloak, you have less options.
You have a few one shot options from BFA rares such as the Sauroscale Cloak, they can proc a socket, but you can only loot them once.
All BOE greens from BFA and Legion can proc sockets, so that is another options.
Do Wod dungeons for warforged socket cloaks and bracers.
socket bracers drop for clothies in oculus as well and can proc a second socket.
Do Wod dungeons for warforged socket cloaks and bracers.
socket bracers drop for clothies in oculus as well and can proc a second socket.
Ive heard that cloaks doesnt drop with sockets from dungeons. Can anybody confirm?
But tw gear will be better in those slots if you have it
Do Wod dungeons for warforged socket cloaks and bracers.
socket bracers drop for clothies in oculus as well and can proc a second socket.
Ya can confirm cloak socket proc got changed sadly.

Socket cloaks rn comes from bfa/legion boes which can proc socket. They are incredibly difficult to farm though but there are some ppl selling it on auction house/trade (pretty pricey though so tw does fine if u don't have the gold).

Oculus is a 20 dungeon btw so can't enter at 10.

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