So we can get cataclysm tabards now


i find the shoulders on this green one to be unique on an alli toon

Tabard of the Earthen Ring
Tabard of the Guardians of Hyjal
Tabard of the Wildhammer Clan
Tabard of the Ramkahen
Tabard of Therazane

best part is they only need friendly to equip so you could probably get enough commendations on one toon for all tabards for your twink (just use wow anniversary rep buff)

i already have some good mog ideas in mind, post yours below if you got one

As I stated in the other thread, you start at hated with therazane, so don't waste your tokens on that rep.

All the others are obtainable and fairly easy to get.
light said:
i find the shoulders on this green one to be unique on an alliansen toon.
Mudsnaut Spaulders. Do some research before you toss out whacky statements like that. The pants are ally only though.

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