So TW drops finally got nerfed in 11.1 (ilvl 60 -> 43 at 11, ilvl 96 -> 63!!! at 20, existing drops unaffected)


WE had expected this in 11.1 because it was on the 11.1 PTR but for some reason it didn't show up in Cata TW. Well, it's here now.

Ilvl 43 at level 11 (was 60). Already looted items are unaffected. I haven't checked higher levels yet.

I hope you all had already farmed your TW gear. Trinkets are the big loss. Weapons to a lesser extent. For 11 Warriors, Hatebringer was always a viable alternative but still, Baron Rivendare's Sword was pretty nice.
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Quick observation from the 5 or so Ive ran today:
Geared 80s are catching up a little bit. Had a couple of mages do about 1/3 of my damage when its normally like 10% at best.

But the biggest thing I noticed is speed - I'm still at 49%, but several classes are keeping up way better now.
So I checked level 20. ilvl 96 -> 63. That's actually a bigger nerf than for level 10/11s. I did not expect that. It's also completely unnecessary. That's kinda insane. It looks like the only reason 20s have to do TW now is trinkets.
So I checked level 20. ilvl 96 -> 63. That's actually a bigger nerf than for level 10/11s. I did not expect that. It's also completely unnecessary. That's kinda insane. It looks like the only reason 20s have to do TW now is trinkets.

I'd think TW badges are the only reason to run time walking dungeons since regular dungeon drops, including said trinkets, are ilvl84 for 20s.
Some of the stats on TW drops differ from regular dungeon drops but that does not outweigh the ilvl nerf IMO.

I'm guessing there is a level or two (15-16 maybe?) where TW and dungeon drops are at the same level so faster queues is the benefit of running TW instances.
For reference, ilvl went from:
- 24vs66 to 24vs41 for 10s,
- 30vs60 to 30vs43 for 11s,
- 42vs68 to 42vs48 for 13s,
- 84vs96 to 84vs63 for 20s,
While i know that this is the 10's forum, 49's went from 247 to 152 in TWing gear, but the strange thing is that the Tranquil Satchel you get for finishing the dungeon rewards a 247 ilvl.
I suppose the other question to be had is if the classic TWing vendor items were nerfed or not. If not those will probably end up being the BiS weapons.
Man. All this does is make it so pre-existing twinks are just... better, since they already got their drops. Not very player-friendly.
Since we're discussing Blizz doing Blizz things, has anyone ran into differences of the same gear inside vs outside a dungeon? I noticed this today.

Weapon when looted inside dungeon:

reaver in dungeon.jpg

Same weapon outside the dungeon:
reaver outside the dungeon.jpg

I checked with another 1hander I have and it too showed smaller proc values when outside the dungeon.
Has this always been this way and I've never picked up on it or is this new?

If this belongs in the 20s subforum, please move.

Edit: Mystery solved. I'm a noob, it's late, and I now realized I compared the two weapons while wearing different gearset which would affect damage and heals. Please ignore.
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