So today i realised that you can kill people in the final WC encounter


this will be fun
well i managed to kill all 4 members of the group and solo the boss while they were QQing.

most fun iv had in wow in a while.
Explain? Is it just bugged now or are you doing some sort of exploit?
Explain? Is it just bugged now or are you doing some sort of exploit?

The final boss in WC has the ability to charm a random group member except of the tank. The charmed character can't move or attack for a few seconds but can be attacked by the other players. Its no bug or exploit..
I think it should become an F2P thing. Whenever we're doing a WC run, and there's more than one of us in group, we should 'nuke the add' ;)

9 times out of 10 it's some rogue who hasn't bound kick, and has spent half the run being put to sleep by the druids.
I always try to do this. It seems to break early on damage, so make sure you have dots rolling too.
The effect brakes on all dmg, so you want to try and one shot them. which a 1.5K aimshot crit is enough for most people.

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