70k, shame if it goes down the drain lmao. At least I'll have the transmog! Also, do I use it on a warrior or a ret? What do you think is best? I have a well geared warrior already. And I love the sound of 49 ret with the Rivendare heal & MS..!View attachment 10020
Yeah LMAO the dude had undercut the other Destinys on the ah not knowing. I imagine he has no twinking knowledge. I count myself very lucky, and would probably have stretched up to 300k on it (I'm a poor boy that hasn't grinded gold and barely plays the AH, most money from disenchanted irrelevant epics in Legion and wholesaling mats every few months).if you have gotten a lvl48/ilvl58 destiny for 70k .. you have really gotten it at a fking fking cheap price .. it is not meant to be sold at 70k lolol