So i want Chausses of Westfall but...


... I really don't want to pay for 2 faction changes, and I don't want to be alliance.

So I was thinking, if I made an ally toon, lvled him up, then got the chausses of westfall on him, I could open up a ticket asking if it would be possible to transfer the Chausses of Westfall over to my horde warrior.

Do you guys think they would go along with that? >.>
roll alliance. get gear. switch horde. done
Id try it.

History says if you open enough tickets eventually a gm will do what you ask.
Grunge said:
Id try it.

History says if you open enough tickets eventually a gm will do what you ask.

^^ This


Edit: Actually I would try deleting it like the free BoA xfer. Delete it and then get a GM to restore it on your horde warrior instead. You'll prolly eventually get a GM nice enough to do it.
Thanks for the replies, I think I will try that Kablam...

Also, forgot to mention, I don't want to reroll either, considering I currently have a SF, and LFH.. I really don't want to farm 10k, and LFH is a bitch. Also, I want to save my money :eek:
Just tried it, said they can olny restore BoAs to other characters, not soulbound items.

edit: next time I try I will tell them the character I want it on deleted it.
I paid 60 bucks for 3 extra stam, IF you want the best gear you have to pay for it man.
Yeah, just say something happened to it. Lie and whine till you get what you want, that's the way to get shit done around here.

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