Small Shamman change question

•Earth Shock: Redesigned. This spell no longer interrupts spell casting, but rather reduces melee attack speed by 10% for 8 seconds (exclusive with similar effects such as Thunder Clap).

So i've never played a shamman but it looks like the 2 interupts (earth shock, Windshock) got rolled into 1 interupt called windshear with a seperate cooldown.

Can someone that plays a shammy comment on this. Does this mean I will finally be able to heal myself when playing against a shamman?
Wind Shock is being renamed to Wind Shear, but no longer shares a cooldown with shock spells. You'll still be getting interrupted every 6 seconds, but now you'll also be taking more damage because they can Wind Shear and Earth Shock every six seconds.
Some may bind wind shear to earth shock to make it do both interrupt and slow melee. And some wont. I can see situations where the double bind is not the best course of action. ie, having melee damage incoming while interrupting another heal. Which is doable given separate cooldowns. Mana management is an issue in arena as well.

Windshock was on the same cooldown before (i believe never used it really) so it didn't exactly get rolled into one but made windshock (wind shear now) an actual ability to use instead of just using earthshock.

Best way to heal yourself vs a shaman now and before is to fake cast , and move just before shocked. If you can count to 6 you can beat most shaman's.
User said:
Some may bind wind shear to earth shock to make it do both interrupt and slow melee. And some wont. I can see situations where the double bind is not the best course of action. ie, having melee damage incoming while interrupting another heal. Which is doable given separate cooldowns. Mana management is an issue in arena as well.

Windshock was on the same cooldown before (i believe never used it really) so it didn't exactly get rolled into one but made windshock (wind shear now) an actual ability to use instead of just using earthshock.

Best way to heal yourself vs a shaman now and before is to fake cast , and move just before shocked. If you can count to 6 you can beat most shaman's.

Agree 100%, if you don't know how to fake cast you really need to learn. Also, NECB helps track enemy cooldowns.

Though, I wish I had some dispel protection for my HoTs. Purge eating Regrowth and Rejuvenation is quite frustrating.
Lawlpurge said:
I'm never casting earth shock again, flame shock spam does more dps anyways.

I could be wrong because I haven't looked at my Shaman in a few weeks, but I'm pretty sure that ES does more burst dmg, therefore it would be better to do a FS/ES Rotation so you have constant DoT with the burst from ES.
Hey thanks for the info, looks like I need to make a nature resist set and also get the fire resist mace.
Rip said:
I could be wrong because I haven't looked at my Shaman in a few weeks, but I'm pretty sure that ES does more burst dmg, therefore it would be better to do a FS/ES Rotation so you have constant DoT with the burst from ES.

You are indeed correct, something like the following would be your optimal rotation. Free GCDs can be used for refreshing Lightning Shield or using Lifeblood, GotN, or potions. Purge or a free GCD can be substituted for Wind Shear.

Flame Shock -> Purge -> Purge -> Free GCD -> Earth Shock -> Free GCD -> Free GCD -> Purge
Why would you fake cast a shaman? Normally I just ate the shock.. If you dont heal at like 20% you are fine..
I dunno but at the moment a well played shammy gives me the most problems.

Why would you fake cast a shaman? Normally I just ate the shock.. If you dont heal at like 20% you are fine..

Earth shock -

"Instantly shocks the target with concussive force, causing 60 to 64 Nature damage. It also interrupts spellcasting and prevents any spell in that school from being cast for 2 sec."

If you eat the shock on a fake cast you can cast it directly after you take the damage. This is handy if your heal is slow and your getting a pushback wherein you can get shocked again...

Ive been up against some well played paladins that not only had fast heals but understood this.
Earth shock no longer interupts spell casting (see patch notes 3.2), But yeah gotta work on my fake casting for Windshear
User said:
Some may bind wind shear to earth shock to make it do both interrupt and slow melee. And some wont. I can see situations where the double bind is not the best course of action. ie, having melee damage incoming while interrupting another heal. Which is doable given separate cooldowns. Mana management is an issue in arena as well.

Windshock was on the same cooldown before (i believe never used it really) so it didn't exactly get rolled into one but made windshock (wind shear now) an actual ability to use instead of just using earthshock.

Best way to heal yourself vs a shaman now and before is to fake cast , and move just before shocked. If you can count to 6 you can beat most shaman's.

Fake casting a shammy is usually not the brightest idea. Cept mebbe them taurens...stupid tauren shammys.

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