Should 2s be allowed to post in the free to play section

Should 24s be allowed to post in the free to play section

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ok i have no idea how to change the title it should be Should 24s be allowed to post in the free to play section
level 2 players wouldn't fit well into the f2p bracket. You're being very silly
As of right now, No I don't. Only because the title of the sub bracket is Free to Play and 24's are not free to play. I do however fully suggest and support the idea of changing the name from Free to play, to 20-24 bracket. It makes a lot more sense to me really, and I understand why it was free to play in the beginning, but times are a changing. I see at least 2 other 24's in almost every game I go in on my shammy.
You know what it says at the top of this forum?

Forum: Free to Play

Level 20 Trial Twinks

Some people need to learn to read.

And those suggesting this be renamed to 20-24?

Seeing as there's already a 20-29 section of the forums you need to learn to count too.
Seeing as there's already a 20-29 section of the forums you need to learn to count too.

which is a relic of when the actual bracket were 20-29.

Now it is 20-24 and 25-29, it only makes sense that they would post in the bracket they play in.
We need separate forums for 20-24 and 25-29. There's no reason that 24s should be posting in the 29s forum.
Ohai said:
which is a relic of when the actual bracket were 20-29.

Now it is 20-24 and 25-29, it only makes sense that they would post in the bracket they play in.

Which only goes to show what the level of intelligence is amongst 24s, in that they think they are posting in a forum specific to a bracket, when the forum title clearly says it is a forum for a type of account.
I guess what you can take out of this is that 29s are tired of putting up with them too, and that it makes literally no sense to have them posting in the same forum as players that they will never be playing with.
24 do not belong to f2p community, they are best described as parasites (Parasitism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia). This is not 20-24 bracket because the majority will never be 24, this is 20 bracket (free to play) infested by some 24s. Again, allowing them to post here will encourage people to make more 24s eventually killing the games.
24 do not belong to f2p community, they are best described as parasites (Parasitism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia). This is not 20-24 bracket because the majority will never be 24, this is 20 bracket + some 24s. Again, allowing them to post here will encourage people to make more 24s eventually killing the games.

1. There shouldn't even be a F2p sub forum. You don't pay for the game, so having a section that encourages people to leech off Blizzard, is counter productive to the quality development to the game.

2. No matter how you slice it, XP on, or XP off, the brackets are split 20-24, and 25-29. No matter what, if 24s queue, they are going to be queued in the 20-24 bracket. The f2p forum should actually be renamed the 20-24 forum.

3. If games die, it's not going to be from 24s queuing up for the 20-24 bracket. Games will likely die when the f2p people realize how ****ing stupid it is to expect Blizzard or anyone to care about them twinking @ lvl 20 when they don't pay for their account in the first place. People who pay > people who don't pay, that's a very simple concept to understand, and I wouldn't be surprised if Blizzard made changes to f2p accounts that limited the number of BGs/dungeons they can do without buying the actual game.

In short, f2p is a special hat wearing, drool cup wielding, chest beating style of play that has no place in the twinking world. No self respecting tinker would play it, and no one in their right mind would enjoy the time sink required just to be baseline competitive. Joke bracket is joke.
There are 2 kinds of player that have been called twinks:

  • The ones who gear up to the best of their ability, in order to minimise any disadvantage they might have compared to the competition.
  • The ones who gear up as much as they can be bothered, in order to gain an advantage over the competition.

With XP lock the game was also split to match that division, with BiS twinks playing XP locked BGs, and heirloom-heros farming it up in levelling BGs.

Now F2P accounts have brought back a bracket where the 2 kinds of player are put together again.

I don't think there should be a 20-24 section for everyone who plays in that bracket. There are 10-19, 20-29, 30-39, etc. sections for people who can actually play twinks against people who have the same level of gear.

Does TI really need to cater towards the kind of players who, if they were to have their own forum section, it would best be titled along the lines of:

'Twinks' (the kind who belong in quotes).
All paying entitles you to is to STFU and keep playing, because Blizzard don't give a shit what you say until you cancel your subscription.

The only thing that encouraged me to leech off Blizzard is paying them to develop a game that has both PvE and PvP components, and them always taking the money and putting it towards PvE.

Maybe if they have a shed-load of people playing trials for the PvP, they might get a clue, and put some work into the PvP side of the game, in order to encourage us to upgrade.
All the f2p 19 threads get thrown (appropriately) in the f2p subforum. I really wish f2p was it's own forum instead of a 20-29 subforum. Then maybe people would understand that it's a forum for an account type and not a bracket. Make a 20-24 subforum and leave the 24s to their "you jelly bro?!" circle-jerk.
There's nothing wrong with 24s posting in the F2P section. The problem is 24s posting non F2P information and threads. It's simply in the wrong place, and is no more welcome here than in any other off topic section. That, and most of it is trolling, UMADBRO? bullshit.

F2P is about more than just BGs, it's about the entire F2P experience.
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