shaman twink

Hi. I'm regearing up my 19 Shaman due to new changes like GW at lvl 16 and

I need some help regarding priority of stats.

I was thinking of getting items like Inferno robe Mindthrust bracers

Darkweave breeches and some other sta int/SP items, but with all this I'm not

sure if to enchant my 1h with 22 int or 29 SP.

And a good build would be nice:)

PS: Is there any guide of how to counter other twinks at 19 as a shaman?
i don't think I've seen any melee shaman in bgs so far the shamans I've seen so far have had either a high sp gear or a balanced gear, tho one had gone for full sta so she had 2k hp unbuffed:)

At the moment without any AGM or fish hat and wep or shield with right stats, I'm on 1,3k hp 1,1k mana 40 SP
Shapey said:
i don't think I've seen any melee shaman in bgs so far the shamans I've seen so far have had either a high sp gear or a balanced gear, tho one had gone for full sta so she had 2k hp unbuffed:)

At the moment without any AGM or fish hat and wep or shield with right stats, I'm on 1,3k hp 1,1k mana 40 SP

I do believe 2k unbuffed is impossible for a shaman.
Omgimarogue said:
someone chardev gogo!

EDIT: v6 ~ a World of Warcraft character planner thats all i can think of. Im sure i missed something (i pretty much put FC druid gear on a shaman lol) Comes out to 1888hp. If you were to use rumsey rum, that would push you over the 2k mark, to 2038. This is with dual AGMs, fishing hat, etc.

[ITEM]Grizzled Boots[/item], there's also +5 sta bracers (wrangler).

[ITEM]Deadskull Shield[/item]+7 stamina

all that brings your total to 70 more hp.

Ooh and mining, another +70! 2028 unbuffed (horde only).
Underseer said:
[ITEM]Grizzled Boots[/item], there's also +5 sta bracers (wrangler).

[ITEM]Deadskull Shield[/item]+7 stamina

all that brings your total to 70 more hp.

Ooh and mining, another +70! 2028 unbuffed (horde only).

well there ya go. I guess perf geared/prof'd you could hit 2k.
Look up Tøtem-Dragonblight on Wowarmory thats my shammy the link doesn't work.
Underseer said:
[ITEM]Grizzled Boots[/item], there's also +5 sta bracers (wrangler).

[ITEM]Deadskull Shield[/item]+7 stamina

all that brings your total to 70 more hp.

Ooh and mining, another +70! 2028 unbuffed (horde only).

furbolg is +10 stam, better than deadskull.
Mishirl is a Shaman on Eonar i think in Misery BG and he got over 2k hp unbuffed with his FC gear or around 166 SP in his SP gear:)

Atm I got really crappy 1h+shield, but I'm doing ok can put out ok dps to surive 1vs1 witohut heals:)

Tho I need some tips when facing dps warriors cause I lost all of my fights to them.
err, yeah forgot the enchant
Batgnom said:
Is there any chance that a Melee shaman can do anything in Wsg after patch 3.2?

The thing is that spellpower shamans are melee shamans. If you'd stack agi/str instead of spellpower, you would see your damage go down.

14 agi gives 1 melee dps and 1% crit which are around 1,4 dps together.

14 spellpower gives 1 dps on a flame shock every 12 seconds alone! On top of that you have earthshocks, searing totem, flametongue damage, and... your heals.

If you by melee shaman only mean a fat two-hander, that has always been viable. By viable I mean situational - about 3% of the time, when you are soloing a mage/warlock/priest.

In short, spellpower and shield is the way to go for a melee shaman :)

But then, a pure melee dps playstyle means you are not playing to your full potential.
Lawlpurge said:
How did this thread turn into a stam build argument. Look up ME for a good shammy, ill prolly have my arena/hybrit set on, with close to 1300 health and 1656 mana, yet preserving 72 spellpower, so most of my heals are exactly 420 which is cool cus i like weed alot

Except, don't use [ITEM]Magefist gloves[/ITEM] + [ITEM]crystalline cuffs[/ITEM] :)

[ITEM]Gold-flecked gloves[/ITEM] + [ITEM]Wrangler's wristbands[/ITEM] of the eagle (3/3) give you much more stats.

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