Shaman at 19 viable?


So collected all my heirlooms to level a resto shamen as an alt using dungeon finder, (including free 30 SP enchant on my mace from a guilde)

So with this lush gear i was thinking of stopping xp at 19 for a bit and Twinking out the rest of my gear.

But after looking at availavle spells at 19 i realised i had one heal and no frost shock.... So my question is, is healing as a shaman at 19 viable or is it just far out done by druids,

And on a seperate note with so much +SP stacked could i figure i could do a little bit of damage? if so i dont know what to spec lol.
Regarding your initial question of them being viable, i would say most definetly. Aside from hunters being the most OP, shamans would be a definite second; if played by a person who knows what they are doing. With Ghost wolf, Earthbinding totem, stoneclaw totem, Wind shear, Purge, a DoT which could soon crit, a ranged spell + heals, your a walking truck.


stopping xp at 19 for a bit and Twinking

If this is just a phase i dont think the 19 bracket would be the first best choice, i dont know about US but EU have competitve people who get the best gear for their players as they can, be it Faction changing for items, professions, Fishing for the hat, getting the arena grand master aswell as perfecting their play.

If you have never been in a 19 locked wsg before, you would be suprised as to how much more competitive it is compared to 80's. Im not saying you wont do well if you dont perfect your gear, because i dont know your level of play, but if you dont perfect your gear it will just be countless times of getting beat by another shaman who has slightly better gear.

And on a seperate note with so much +SP stacked could i figure i could do a little bit of damage?

I wouldnt say SP stack, but getting sp where you can for a different set would be nice for dps output, for example Goldfeckled Gloves, serpent gloves, Jutebraid Gloves all with 16sp. Crystalline cuffs with sp, and the BoA mace with 30 sp + Spidersilk drape etc Could give you nice Earth shock hits or bolts.

But imo the shamans who have a seperate gear (balance) with 22 int etc, are the most painful to kill. Since your heals, heal for ridiculous amounts and mana pools is immense.

All this advice comes from someone who doesnt have a shaman, as i dont have any more space for anymore 19s xD, already got a warr, mage,pally, hunter, rouge. So you could ignore what i said about the sp, but im fairly serious regarding the 'twinking phase'. Not a nice feeling when your getting steamrolled by someone with better gear, so unless you want to try for the srs bsns stuff; i wouldnt twink in the 19 bracket. However if you do! Need you to eat down some of the hunters =). Gluck
SHamans right now are one of the most versatile classes out there in the 19 bracket and are ridculously over powered if you know what you're doing.

edit: As far as spec goes, 95% of shamans go with a 0/7/3 spec of 2/2 in Earth's Grasp, 3/5 in Anscestral Knowledge, 2/2 in Imp Ghostwolf, and 3/5 in Imp Healing Wave
Agilitize said:
Shamans are the 2nd/3rd most played class at 19s. No they are not viable.

Difference between being most played class, and being most viable ;o.

Most played classes:

1. Hunter

2. Rogue

3. Shaman

4. Paladin

Most viable (this meaning Overpowered obviously)

1. Hunter/Shaman


3. Rogues.

My 10 cents, my 2 cents is free. (I know, I luv Eminem).
Sorry havent been in the bracket scince just after tbc, back then the most played classes where

1.Rogue by about a million

2. hunter


4. priest

5. possibly mage? but then again everything that wasnt those top four was very rare.

So is SP or INT better to stack as a shaman (resto/ele)
you wont be playing as an ele shaman, you will be playing as spellhance, which gears exactly the same as ele but you hit things instead of casting bolt at them. Gearing as spellhance you will want 100-120ish sp (more if you feel like it). If you are going resto then you will be abit more of a mana whore since your heals are already pretty damn big and alot of your spells that you will be using; purge, windshear, totems, remove poison, etc do not scale with spell power, so although you will need some spell power its safe to give up sp on a couple items like inferno robe and bracers enchant etc for more int and mp5.
Kore nametooshort said:
you wont be playing as an ele shaman, you will be playing as spellhance, which gears exactly the same as ele but you hit things instead of casting bolt at them. Gearing as spellhance you will want 100-120ish sp (more if you feel like it). If you are going resto then you will be abit more of a mana whore since your heals are already pretty damn big and alot of your spells that you will be using; purge, windshear, totems, remove poison, etc do not scale with spell power, so although you will need some spell power its safe to give up sp on a couple items like inferno robe and bracers enchant etc for more int and mp5.

I see, but doesnt "hitting" things do alot less damage? im only level 11 atm but with flamtongue weapon (i gues thats what i use) i still do less damage than bolting, do i just autohit, shock when its off CD and heal etc?
Bolt has a fairly long cast and although there are times when using it is appropriate its not always easy or wise to try and get one off. Flametongue+ weapon dmg is quite substantial and in addition to not having to cast it, its free, costs no mana. When fighting you should be jousting most of the time, especially against rogues, not so much against pallys and 2H warriors, so that the dmgdone:dmgtaken ratio is in your favor. but essentially yes, you should be melee hitting and shocking/fire novaing when fighting.
Conrose said:
At 19 Shaman have a Travel Form, a Bubble, a Heal Spell, offensive Dispell, poison removal (Lawl), an instant DoT, 2 Ranged DD Spells one of which is Instant cast, AoE snare... about the only thing they don't have is a HoT.

*Cough* Draenei *Cough*

*Cough* GotN *Cough*

Damn my throat be hurtin me :(
lindenkron said:
Difference between being most played class, and being most viable ;o.

Most played classes:

1. Hunter

2. Rogue

3. Shaman

4. Paladin

Most viable (this meaning Overpowered obviously)

1. Hunter/Shaman


3. Rogues.

My 10 cents, my 2 cents is free. (I know, I luv Eminem).

Put lock up with hunter/sham
The most played usually tend to be the most OP for a reason, and these days I can say for sure that rogues are not second in most played. And I would have to disagree with rogues being 3rd on the overpowered list. Countless classes can dominate rogues in duels these days >.>
lindenkron said:
*Cough* Draenei *Cough*

*Cough* GotN *Cough*

Damn my throat be hurtin me :(

I suppose then that automatically has a very negative effect on Horde Side Shaman then? When I speak of Class balance, I look at Class Abilities, racials come at the cost of other racials that are available to the class... not at the cost of class abilities found in other classes.

And I eat Spellhance Shaman for breakfast ^_^.
Agilitize said:
The most played usually tend to be the most OP for a reason, and these days I can say for sure that rogues are not second in most played. And I would have to disagree with rogues being 3rd on the overpowered list. Countless classes can dominate rogues in duels these days >.>

rogues are not the third best class according to that list. They are the least powered. Look at it a little closer.
Agilitize said:
The most played usually tend to be the most OP for a reason, and these days I can say for sure that rogues are not second in most played. And I would have to disagree with rogues being 3rd on the overpowered list. Countless classes can dominate rogues in duels these days >.>

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I think the real question is: are rogues bad, or are the people who play rogue bad so it SEEMS like the class is gimp? Or is it just propaganda by people sick of having 5 rogues in every gultch? Who knows?
Grunge said:
I think the real question is: are rogues bad, or are the people who play rogue bad so it SEEMS like the class is gimp? Or is it just propaganda by people sick of having 5 rogues in every gultch? Who knows?

Theres no question as to whether or not the class is gimp atm. They are very easily kited because of the fact they have no slows but they still have a great amount of burst which allows them to excell in arenas. Although I still see some rogues do very well in WSG (Goma and Freestyle/erotic really stand out), as far as premades go I would be very reluctant to taking a rogue on my team. Mainly because so many other classes can do a better job in its place.

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