shadow priest


OG v6 ~ a World of Warcraft character planner

i wanted to get the most SP i could with out gimping my self too much. while lvling my first priest i stopped at 29 and played and had a blast and only had around like 40-50 SP and could hold my own very well. so i wanna make a fully twinked one.... i came up with this set up. if u guys have any changes to my set up please tell me :D
All spell power and int build! high total health is a misnomer for priests; your survivability comes from PWSs, psychic screams, high renew ticks and big yellow numbers. When I'm targeting a priest, his mana pool and renew ticks are more important to me than his health.
ya, thats what i figured. on my non twink priest when i was 29 i had crap health but cause i had alot of intel i lived alot longer.
btw is 264 the highest amount of shadow damage i can get with full

"of ___wrath" gear. and chants.

does anyone know if this is true?

Fuzzles is spot on. You have to kill their mana or have someone helping you, otherwise you'll have a hard time killing a priest. Shamans and other priests do a bit better due to dispels, and hunters, of course, have the OP Aimed Shot, but outside of that.. they take *forever* to kill at 29's.

I don't play shadow, so I am not sure, but it seems to me that you are very "glass canon". I am not saying to stack stam, but you have a rather small mana pool, and virtually no mana regen. Even when your spirit tap procs, you will still have lower mana regen while casting then I do all the time. I am not sure how to change this, aside from slapping on some more int or spirit, but I know you dont want to gimp your damage. It just seems like you are going to die when you go oom (as all priests do) and that you will go oom rather a lot.

If you would be willing to give up eng as a proff, you would loose your 21sp helm, but you could equip the Holy Shroud - Item - World of Warcraft. It would be a loss of 3sp, but a gain of 6 spirit. Anyway, since you are gonna have less mana to be healing yourself, and less regeneration, you could go herb/jc as your professions, and have 2 mana-free hots instead of 1. You would also loose bombs, and discombobulator ray (but you have mind flay anyway).

I am not sure it would be a benefit, it's just an idea.
Screamforme said:
I don't play shadow, so I am not sure, but it seems to me that you are very "glass canon". I am not saying to stack stam, but you have a rather small mana pool, and virtually no mana regen. Even when your spirit tap procs, you will still have lower mana regen while casting then I do all the time. I am not sure how to change this, aside from slapping on some more int or spirit, but I know you dont want to gimp your damage. It just seems like you are going to die when you go oom (as all priests do) and that you will go oom rather a lot.

If you would be willing to give up eng as a proff, you would loose your 21sp helm, but you could equip the Holy Shroud - Item - World of Warcraft. It would be a loss of 3sp, but a gain of 6 spirit. Anyway, since you are gonna have less mana to be healing yourself, and less regeneration, you could go herb/jc as your professions, and have 2 mana-free hots instead of 1. You would also loose bombs, and discombobulator ray (but you have mind flay anyway).

I am not sure it would be a benefit, it's just an idea.

ya i was worried about that myself ill go ahead and pick up all the items i can and try and mix and match them to my style of playing and hopefully that'll work out
Distaff 29 shadowpriest

Seems like this guy leveled to 30, but he was one of the most deadly in the EU Misery BG. Always using consumables and running away to the healing huts whenever he was about to die. I've never played priest myself, but I've played against them at this level on many different chars, and they work very much like a more robust version of a warlock, with dispell and heals. Survivability comes from absorbing incoming burst with shield, while dishing out full damage at the enemy and then healing up.
Zyrkonos said:
I still can't understand why would anyone pick elder's pants of healing over Gaze Dreamer's Pants.

She probably had the leg patch on them, and then when she lost it just applied some armor. She might not have the xp space to go back and grab the gaze dreamers.

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