Serious Inquiry here. Need P2P Ally Help.


I have left Bleeding Hollow and my Hunter with 2 Guru trinkets and come to AP Ally for the community.
I am pretty Happy with the Move and starting Over isn't difficult, it's ONLY lvl 20...
But I am pissed that I can't get my trinkets back so I am looking for a P2P Partner that can PVP.
I have a website that I frequent and I have the ability to BUY WoW Gold....
I am willing to PAY up to 10k gold on AP to an ALLY P2P for partnering up with me for the next few weeks to help me get my 2 trinkets back.
I am only looking for serious inquiries and from someone who plays WoW 5+ days a week and a couple hours a day to ensure we cross paths enough to get this done.
Also need help farming Mageweave on occasion or something so I'm not wasting so much time doing dumb crap. An instance/ Stocks run for quick Rep. or whatever...
Payments can be in large increments or however we decide to get the job done.
Feel free to pm me here for questions.
I have left Bleeding Hollow and my Hunter with 2 Guru trinkets and come to AP Ally for the community.
I am pretty Happy with the Move and starting Over isn't difficult, it's ONLY lvl 20...
But I am pissed that I can't get my trinkets back so I am looking for a P2P Partner that can PVP.
I have a website that I frequent and I have the ability to BUY WoW Gold....
I am willing to PAY up to 10k gold on AP to an ALLY P2P for partnering up with me for the next few weeks to help me get my 2 trinkets back.
I am only looking for serious inquiries and from someone who plays WoW 5+ days a week and a couple hours a day to ensure we cross paths enough to get this done.
Also need help farming Mageweave on occasion or something so I'm not wasting so much time doing dumb crap. An instance/ Stocks run for quick Rep. or whatever...
Payments can be in large increments or however we decide to get the job done.
Feel free to pm me here for questions.

Do it for free just ask around with. Someone would be willing to help.
Btw alliance or horde in bleeding hollow.
I will warn you right now, most fellow APers may frown upon this.

EDIT: I don't wanna derail this, so edit it is. Insects, if you're reading this, empty your inbox, you hoe D:<
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I will warn you right now, most fellow APers may frown upon this.

EDIT: I don't wanna derail this, so edit it is. Insects, if you're reading this, empty your inbox, you hoe D:<

I don't care who frowns apon this...
i am NOT the only one getting outside help...
I've done my time at Guru...
Last night I get there and this Druid/Pally Combo that is Normally there kicking my ars at 1am its just the drood and another dirt bag who is F2P AP Ally but only there to help the druid get it and beg me to not interfere. I killed them both and as i'm getting the chest 1/2 life they both pop... didn't end well for me. So please don't talk to me about someone NOT approving of my methods.
I was on a PVP server and not ONLY fight "IN" the Arena but we fought back and forth for 30 mins before GURU at times. i've done my time farming them I've been on AP for awhile now and I have 1 due to 85's always being there and on occasion holding the chest for a twink...
3 F2P AP Ally fought it out for 10 mins, having fun finally i give it to the rogue who didn't have 1 yet... so i said go he said are you sure.... 85 druid flys in and takes it....
so say what you wish, and Lecavalier talk to Horde or ALLY from BGs I hold my own just fine, don't need any lessons.
and OMG...
My toon on BH is ally, I don't play Horde toons I kill them...
STILL LOOKING for a working partner for 10k WoW Gold to help me...
I enjoy that this isn't a dead server when it comes to the Gurubashi arena. For once, instead of seeing some random scrub in a battleground with two AGMs; it's good to see that an amount of time (perhaps months) and effort is required to receive a BiS item.

This is the way it was intended.
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I enjoy that this isn't a dead server when it comes to the Gurubashi arena. For once, instead of seeing some random scrub in a battleground with two AGMs; it's good to see that an amount of time (perhaps months) and effort is required to receive a BiS item.

This is the way it was intended.

Whoa! Random scrub? That's pretty harsh. I think I know what you meant, but wow. I know this wasn't directed towards me (or at least hope not) but just because I don't play on AP doesn't mean I didn't have competition. I play on a server with a very large Alliance 19s guild and a Horde guild of mixed 19s 29s and 39s. But in all honesty I just duel boxed on my retail toon to take care of anyone who dared step foot in my arena! :)
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I don't care who frowns apon this...
i am NOT the only one getting outside help...
I've done my time at Guru...
Last night I get there and this Druid/Pally Combo that is Normally there kicking my ars at 1am its just the drood and another dirt bag who is F2P AP Ally but only there to help the druid get it and beg me to not interfere. I killed them both and as i'm getting the chest 1/2 life they both pop... didn't end well for me. So please don't talk to me about someone NOT approving of my methods.
I was on a PVP server and not ONLY fight "IN" the Arena but we fought back and forth for 30 mins before GURU at times. i've done my time farming them I've been on AP for awhile now and I have 1 due to 85's always being there and on occasion holding the chest for a twink...
3 F2P AP Ally fought it out for 10 mins, having fun finally i give it to the rogue who didn't have 1 yet... so i said go he said are you sure.... 85 druid flys in and takes it....
so say what you wish, and Lecavalier talk to Horde or ALLY from BGs I hold my own just fine, don't need any lessons.
and OMG...
My toon on BH is ally, I don't play Horde toons I kill them...
STILL LOOKING for a working partner for 10k WoW Gold to help me...
Well, you should care.

What good is that AGM gonna do you on a sever where no one wants to premade with you cause you had some bully sit at Gurubashi all day one-shotting your fellow APers? Not many.
Well, you should care.

What good is that AGM gonna do you on a sever where no one wants to premade with you cause you had some bully sit at Gurubashi all day one-shotting your fellow APers? Not many.

Exactly, and people wonder why they don't get invited to premades. Who wants to premade with someone they don't like, regardless of whether or not they are good. I'd rather play with sabe as dead weight with 10000ms than someone who doesn't care about the community.
Last night I get there and this Druid/Pally Combo that is Normally there kicking my ars at 1am its just the drood and another dirt bag who is F2P AP Ally but only there to help the druid get it and beg me to not interfere. I killed them both and as i'm getting the chest 1/2 life they both pop... didn't end well for me
Lolol. Atleast Twinko got his Trinket <3
2 Hunters and a Pala against a Fdruid & ungeared Hunter. Get your AGMs when you are any decent plox.
Well, you should care.

What good is that AGM gonna do you on a sever where no one wants to premade with you cause you had some bully sit at Gurubashi all day one-shotting your fellow APers? Not many.

Exactly, and people wonder why they don't get invited to premades. Who wants to premade with someone they don't like, regardless of whether or not they are good. I'd rather play with sabe as dead weight with 10000ms than someone who doesn't care about the community.
This topic didn't even come up today about invs to premades and I have always been polite and respectful in Channel and BG, the topic tonight was the group i was asking for a premade don't like hunters and had nothing to do with this topic.

Maybe I went about this the wrong way but i took a long time to get my 2 trinkets on the other server... several months actually and I worked my butt off for them. I haven't been rude to anyone and i know my comments early may have appeared rude and i apologize for that. I came to this server for the community and I wouldn't piss off the guys Ive been out there fighting with in my own GROUP/F2P Family.
So 3 of us F2P just went to Guru to fight it out and a rogue is there protecting his lvl 19 twink...
we had fun dueling each other until a 46 boomkin ruined it...
I appreciate every ones comments and If I see you in Guru I hope we can have true honest dueling for it.
I get your point Ark and appreciate your comments and I hate 24's to a certain extent... they could twink 29 and have just as much fun
But I'm not paying money for something I SHOULD NOT have... I've earned them and it would be the same if I paid to have my toon transferred over here.
but I'd never spend another dime on WoW after 4+ yrs of P2P...
Earn them again.

There's a handful people in this community who have shelved their previous character so that they could play on Aerie Peak.

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