Self-Funding - Savory Deviate Delight [Recipe]

Ok so im rollin a Tauren Warrior named Ã…brahms. I dont have a main to fund him so I was going to self fund him with Fishing Deviate Fish, cooking them, using Herbalism, and using mining. The problem is, on my server the Recipe is selling for 1500g (lol yeah, theres 2. the other is 1708g). So, I basically gave up on that. I was wondering if thats the ACTUAL price it sells for or what. I hope not, anyways, is there another way to self-fund him besides herb/mining? I know that I can play the AH from buying cheap, selling it back higher, but I dont know what to "invest" in. Any Idea's?

No I will not buy Gold. and most importantly, I wont beg, You ever seen a US Army M1 A1 Abrahms Tank bend over and beg? No I didnt think so.
Abrahms said:
?You ever seen a US Army M1 A1 Abrahms Tank bend over and beg? No I didnt think so.

I lol'd

As for your dilemma. One thing I would suggest is roll a DK, boost to 58 in like 2 hours, and do quests in Hellfire Peninsula. If you do not have a character of level 55 or won't be that easy >.< On my server, Dragonmaw US, the recipe for deviate delight goes for 15-150 gold USUALLY, i've seen morons throw it up on the AH for 2500 gold however.

A good way to make money I have found is selling cooking reagents, some people who are boosting cooking will not want to spend days farming small eggs and stringy wolf meat, while leveling - keep all the meat you get and slap it in the AH, especially clam meat (if you get any of that before 19). Some meat goes for 40-80g a stack, because rich 80's don't want to spend time when they could just buy it. Wool cloth is also an easy way to make money, sells for ~8g a stack on some servers. Copper ore is amazingly expensive when making money, 5-15 gold a stack of ore!!

Without a main money making can be painful, and I don't like working the AH due to the risk, but it isn't impossible :D
Abrahms said:
No I will not buy Gold. and most importantly, I wont beg, You ever seen a US Army M1 A1 Abrahms Tank bend over and beg? No I didnt think so.

Serious business.
Spooksters said:

Lolz, yeah I was thinking bout putting something like that in my sig. lol this is gonna be a painful process making this money. Thanks for the help =). I guess I'm going to have to start lvling a main then. =(

Ill do the AH if needed. Buy stuff, then sell it for a profit. But i dont know whats a huge seller that I can start off with buying like 5s and selling for like 10s till i get like 10g then ill invest in bigger stuff.
Wool Cloth is definitely good.

Fish of all types, and greens to DE is not bad either.
iaccidentallytwink said:
Wool Cloth is definitely good.

Fish of all types, and greens to DE is not bad either.

Ok so heres my idea:

Fish a whole bunch of fish out of the little pond in thunderbluff till i get my fishing to 75. Then I lvl up to 10, head to the barrens and fish in those little ponds. I get on another character, send him to barrens, kill a whole bunch of mobs for God knows how long, and hope the recipe drops? I figure im going to need about 700g. (700g = 70000s, 70000s/5s = 140000.) lol theres got to be a better way then trying to fish 140000 Deviate fish. So that plan is basically a fail. but the Cooked Deviate dont sell for 5s, they sell for like 1-1.5g. Therefore i get about 700. <-- lol, i like that Idea alot better. I just need this Recipe. The droprate is basically 0%, but i dont see how this recipe sells for more then Shadowfang x2. lol
When I rolled a pally on Lightning's Blade horde, I used to use copper as a way of funding things, I was in the process of finishing gearing a 19 up there, but it wasn't too bad. A stack of copper bars used to sell for 5g on that server, they still sell for 3g which isn't too bad.
Maerduk said:
When I rolled a pally on Lightning's Blade horde, I used to use copper as a way of funding things, I was in the process of finishing gearing a 19 up there, but it wasn't too bad. A stack of copper bars used to sell for 5g on that server, they still sell for 3g which isn't too bad.

K sounds good.

Mining will be my first profession.

Whats the most high paying second proffesion that a 19 can carry out without wasting money?
Abrahms said:
Ok so heres my idea:

Fish a whole bunch of fish out of the little pond in thunderbluff till i get my fishing to 75. Then I lvl up to 10, head to the barrens and fish in those little ponds. I get on another character, send him to barrens, kill a whole bunch of mobs for God knows how long, and hope the recipe drops? I figure im going to need about 700g. (700g = 70000s, 70000s/5s = 140000.) lol theres got to be a better way then trying to fish 140000 Deviate fish. So that plan is basically a fail. but the Cooked Deviate dont sell for 5s, they sell for like 1-1.5g. Therefore i get about 700. <-- lol, i like that Idea alot better. I just need this Recipe. The droprate is basically 0%, but i dont see how this recipe sells for more then Shadowfang x2. lol

I'm confused. Are you only vendoring the raw deviate fish? Don't know about your server, but on mine the raw fish sell pretty well on the AH. I'm sure you could get 10g a stack or so.
I would go for selling the copper bars, though on my server the ore goes for more and the Deviate fish usually sell for around 7g per 20, medium leather sells pretty well now as well with the Toughened leather armor being a blue item now.
I'm not familiar with the auctioneer addon, but I guess that could help you a bit. I used to look for rare items on ah for any lvl and look for the cheapest ones. It's quite often you find a moroon who sells a pretty nice rare item for under 10g (rarely any shadowfangs though:( ). Selling 5-5 legs before the leg armor nerf was also a great and easy way for me to earn cash, but I recommend LF cheap rare items which somebody will use. Don't buy silly 2h swords with 5 spirit and 12 def rating;)
whats your server?

on skullcrusherEU i can cook this for you on my hunter. he had a drop of the recipe and im doin exactly what you plan...making money out of deviate fish.
Making gold from the AH is easy, but slow.

I made a lvl 1 bank alt on my server and usually made 100 G a week, that's including all the items and mats I bought meanwhile.

What you do is you download Auctioneer, watch the AH prices of certain products ( I just watched lvl 14-19 uncommon items) and wait until an item shows up that's 50% of market value or less, and likely to resell easily (e.g. don't buy a cheap "of the boar" item), you buy it asap and sell it for market price. That's atleast what I do.
1. Get mining and fishing and such up and make around 200g.

2. Download auctioneer

3. Buy low, sell high


5. Profit
O and i forgot. Alot of people always pays for you to sign their charters. So far Ive made about 100 gold from signing charters. I know its weird but people do pay.
*Note: I am on the Server Alexstrasza [US server]*

Anyone from Twink Info on that server? lol, Prolly not.


1. Roll a Tauren Warrior

2. Level up to 10, start on fishing.

3. Level Fishing up to 225 or w/e. Fish in the barrens for Deviate Fish.

4. Get Mining as profession, start mining.

5. Place all on AH.

6. Will probably get about 20g in about 2 weeks time. And ill probably make more per week as I bring in more fish and ore.

Whats this talk about Zuty's Twink Info Private Server, how we get into it?
Abrahms said:
K sounds good.

Mining will be my first profession.

Whats the most high paying second profession that a 19 can carry out without wasting money?

One of the high paying profs you could use could be herbalism. I make 30g for a lot of crappy herbs all the time.

EDIT: I got the herbs at like 100+ herbalism so you should be able to collect them as a twink. :)
Quelfep said:
One of the high paying profs you could use could be herbalism. I make 30g for a lot of crappy herbs all the time.

EDIT: I got the herbs at like 100+ herbalism so you should be able to collect them as a twink. :)

Swiftness Potions FTW. 15G a stack of 5, you get herbing up which you will want anyway, and the receipe is only like 5-20g usually. Herb outside of sfk, that way you can do skinning at the same times, and ocassionally blues drop off the elite that roams that area.

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