Screen shot or it didn't happen! thread.(19)

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Master Angler
You should all post a screen shot of an accomplishment or interesting find in the world of warcraft 19 twink community!

This can be from any xpack! What this can include:





Guild photos

Memories in general!

Hopefully we can take a trip down memory lane, or revisit some recent fun times! ALRIGHT TINKS!

I ask that for the good of the thread, no comments that don't follow TI's C.O.C be posted in this thread! Kthx :)-MASTER ANGLER REFLEXES


When BC hit I thought I'd make a twink hunter because I'd just take my mass farming skills I'd learned in vanilla AV and apply it to 19s. Thus Supahellapro was born. Yeah, I was that guy. The one at GY farming people and thought I was a boss for it.

If you're wondering about my health... Yeah I didn't believe I needed stam... so I stacked pure AP and bursted kids.

I later made my second and very serious twink rogue and actually started taking twinking serious for the first time ever and I'd been twinking (before this hunter I was on shadowburn) since pre-bc.

Edit: Just incase it's not clear... I'm not proud of this.
cressix said:
Im not sure if you posted this to try and get praise, but that is a shameful thing to do.

Please keep the bickering to a minimum or I'll be forced to report your post. :(

edit: On that note, zero...19 screenies only!



Sort of an inside joke.
Bone said:

When BC hit I thought I'd make a twink hunter because I'd just take my mass farming skills I'd learned in vanilla AV and apply it to 19s. Thus Supahellapro was born. Yeah, I was that guy. The one at GY farming people and thought I was a boss for it.

If you're wondering about my health... Yeah I didn't believe I needed stam... so I stacked pure AP and bursted kids.

I later made my second and very serious twink rogue and actually started taking twinking serious for the first time ever and I'd been twinking (before this hunter I was on shadowburn) since pre-bc.

Edit: Just incase it's not clear... I'm not proud of this.

sry but im best hunter in the world i even have screenshot like thread wants :-D

Oh, where has the time gone....


From left to right, top to bottom:















I don't think we've ever gotten a FULL guild photo... which is a shame, but this is probably the biggest one we have.
Reflexes said:
Excellent contribution, firetruck.

It has come to my attention that your mannerisms on this public twinking forum have tremendously shifted themselves in a positive direction. Your effort to maintain and keep a friendly, clean, and well rounded community among twinks will definitely help and strengthen the bonds of twinks; friends and foes alike. I commend you on your positive change and hope that we may work together to ultimately bring twinking back to the original state of 'together-ness' and try to put aside our differences whether it be past, present, or future disputes.
Firetruckk, I cried a little inside...
i love how the dude only got 43 honor for 141 kills
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