Satchel Of Exotic Mysteries


so i was lvling my 20 P2P prot warrior and thought about sending over 1 of the satchels 2 my toons and the gold looted from the bag also goes towards the Mind On My Money acheivment and you can get pets otherwise unable to be goten at 24 has any1 else thought of doing this (i posted here for the fact this is impossible 2 do on a F2P even though im a 20)
I've been wondering the same thing!
I thought about it, then I remembered how hard I would need to shove a razor into my wrists if I got a blue drake or something like that on a level 24 XD
up to you, id personally open it up on whatever I play the most, if you play your level 85 more, open it up on your 85
Dont auto loot the bag. When you get it, take what you want on your 85, and send what you want to your twink. Be that gold/mount/pet, it is all useable on the toon you send the bag to.
^ what ive been doing i also did RaF a while back and in 1month can redeem my account for the rocket i think im gonna but it on my twink be the only person in bracket with 2person mount
The drop rate on anything good in those satchels is extremely low and the junk that PuG random lowbie 85 dungeons are quite bad. If you're decently geared the new ones aren't so bad, usually. Yes, the looting counts for the gold achieve. It's a good way to get pets that would be otherwise unobtainable. GMs are the only ones that can give F2P mail, and they're very reluctant to do so in my experience.
The drop rate on anything good in those satchels is extremely low and the junk that PuG random lowbie 85 dungeons are quite bad. If you're decently geared the new ones aren't so bad, usually. Yes, the looting counts for the gold achieve. It's a good way to get pets that would be otherwise unobtainable. GMs are the only ones that can give F2P mail, and they're very reluctant to do so in my experience.

gratz on "Of the Alliance"

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