Imaqtlol Grandfathered Mar 6, 2016 #1 Hi Imaqtlol! I'm made a twink guild on Sargeras and looking for active twinks to do BGs with if you are interested hit me up on Btag and ill be sure to get back at you. or the fourms!! BEAvis#1104
Hi Imaqtlol! I'm made a twink guild on Sargeras and looking for active twinks to do BGs with if you are interested hit me up on Btag and ill be sure to get back at you. or the fourms!! BEAvis#1104
Conq Guest Mar 6, 2016 #3 Nice to see some initiative on another server, Sargeras seems like a good choice!
Mater Legend Mar 7, 2016 #5 About to roll a Druid on this realm for the guil if anyone would like to join. Mater#1673
Wool Grandfathered Mar 7, 2016 #7 Hello, I was wondering if you were looking for a disc, I am willing to make a twink on that server if you can supply the enchants. If interested please add my btag- Spookers#1222 I am not on right now but I'll get back to you asap.
Hello, I was wondering if you were looking for a disc, I am willing to make a twink on that server if you can supply the enchants. If interested please add my btag- Spookers#1222 I am not on right now but I'll get back to you asap.
Mutando Legend Mar 8, 2016 #8 Saw some of these guys in Warsong Gulch tonight, would be great to see another guild pop up and stick around in the 19 bracket. Keep it up!
Saw some of these guys in Warsong Gulch tonight, would be great to see another guild pop up and stick around in the 19 bracket. Keep it up!