Sandstone Drake


My Brother-In-Law has an extra account and he hooked me up with an 85 DK with blues, 5 bags, and nothing else for me to use as I please on my F2P Server. My question is, what do you think would be the fastest way for me to use this toon to get the Sandstone Drake. I currently have 1.5k gold and no professions.

Thanks for your time.
Herbs always sell good.
Probably have better luck in a diff section of the forum.
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With recruit a friend you can get the passenger mount if the recruited friend buys the game and a month of time. It just might be worth it to just do that.

+20 (WoW game for your new account)
+15 (you have to buy a month to get the mount)
-15 (you get a free month when your recruited friend buys the game)
Net cost = $20

I dont know how much money you have at your disposal, but 20 dollars can probably save you a lot of time
Play the AH, I'm not really sure how to do it but I know people make a lot of gold that way and I'm sure there's some basic descriptions of how to out there on Google.

Aye alliance. I trained mining atm just selling ore and bars as I'm working it up will see how that goes.

Also if really needed I can make a quick p2p on AP horde or alliance just to group people.. I'm on usually 7am-10am est. So just let me know. (with notice I could prop do it on any server I guess)
I no longer actively play the AH since things have slowed down prior to MoP launch, but I was a big contender on my server. In order to play the AH you need gold to make gold. Start small. Sell of random BoE's, farm embersilk cloth. Since you have a DK -- giving him tailoring is great idea. You get the cloth scavenging ability and there is a great location in Deepholm where the mobs are practically insta-respawn in decent size packs. They drop large amounts of cloth and boe greens/blues. Otherwise Jewelcrafting and Enchanting are a great combination. Just do your research, find your common gem cuts and enchants and post them on the AH for reasonable prices. They will always sell fast. Players are continuously making new alts and are looking to gear up. Just as a side note, if you take the tailoring consideration pair it with enchanting to d/e all those greens you'll be finding. Sell enchanting scrolls and the raw materials themselves.
take 2 gathering skills, sell everything (sometimes low lvl ores/leather/herbs sells better than the latest ones, check the AH),

dailies gives you also a lot of money
I did forget dailies and even questing generates a lot of money. He's looking to get a larger sum for the drake. I've grown accustomed to AH and AH only. Thanks babouchka!

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