Sandbagging for Charity

Put this here for more of a general discussion. I have a spread of toons from 10-20, some are pimped out more than others but all are pretty heavy hitters. In recent times with the ruffling of the purist's feathers I chose to park some of my more obvious twinks and goof around with other toons... that only lasted so long before I got the itch again. I started sandbagging - putting the tank on follow and just hit w/e comes close enough.. that seemed to help a bit. I'd pretend I was loading in or go take a bio break while they cleared some trash to give them a head start on the meters.. also seemed to keep people happy. The moment I start clicking and spike the damage meters people will drop, this has become a semi regular occurrence this last week-ish. Couple times it was the hunter, once a warlock, one was a fire mage (heavy hitters), yesterday was a party of three and we just two manned the rest of it. I would say this has been happening (to me anyways) more often after the ban wave. If we're clearing all together with the objective to clear content and get loot does it really matter that much who's in the party or on top of the charts?
Is there now some sort of strike movement going on I'm not aware of?
Is anyone else noticing it more now vs before the ban wave?
Just can't please everyone so forget them?
"Wacky is just a big doof and it's all in his head!" ?

Comments, thoughts, memes... what's your take?

Hope everyone is having a good day!
I’ve been taking a hiatus from wow so can’t say what’s happening in dungeon runs.

Just before I left, I was getting placed mostly with fellow twinks, which meant most of us were on the same page and the 1 leveling player usually just went with it.

That said, I did have a couple of those levelers bail halfway through or after the first dungeon. This was about a month back.
Blizz needs to implement xpoff random dungeon finder queue separation and just end it already
I have said tis multiple times on the wow forums, random dungeon content has no competition between players. There is a valid reason to split xpoff.on ques for pvp where you compete against other players but random dungeons are not pvp. There is 0 reason to split the quest because someone else is doing more dps.

The real solution to the problem is to nerf all future and pre existing twing gear back to the appropriate ilvl.
Remove sockets from gear completly ( excluding tert socket procs)
Nerf low level gems to 1/1.
And take another look at damage scalling for lower levels.

Blizz probably wont do any of it because it requires actually doing something outside of end game content, I mean these are the guys that gave up on old tier set bonuses and just disabled them because too much work for a small indie company to handle.

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