Sad state


Apparently the 39 Section of TwinkInfo is where you come to cry about things with your friends until they get banned, or you just attack people for 7 pages. I AM SICK of it. If people don't start legit thinking before they post or cry, omg this bracket will turn people off. A lot of people talk crap about 19s, but at least they have unwritten rules that people follow.

I, for one, was using Guard on a BM. It has been ban. I wont be queing it anymore, unless in a flag carrying manner as stated by boostz.

So why are you people so ban happy? (rhetorical)

Why does someone get trolled for 7 pages when you don't agree with there statement? (also Rhetorical)

Feral = banned
Guard (when not fc) = banned but I ain't policing that shit, don't be a jerk
Arcane bombs/Flash bombs = banned
TP ally rejuv roof jump = banned
Horde gy jumps (bottom to gy and walls to ramp) = banned
That stump that was banned in the TC = banned

I will be using all of these besides bombs if I feel like it. I don't see why they feel they have authority over pug games.
@dimes yo man, i agree. ty for following our ideals. because thats what they are, ideals set by people willing to invest time with the problems we set for ourselves. im sorry you had to be a victim to the chaos of the upbringing. keep on keeping on and as always do you boo boo, do you
I will be using all of these besides bombs if I feel like it. I don't see why they feel they have authority over pug games.

Bracketmasters dont have any real authority, they just want the best for the bracket and for everyone to enjoy it. There are no rules, just ideals, and what most people do, is follow ideals they agree with, most people tend to agree bm guard isnt fair. if you think it is, then all the power to you, but just dont expect heals from healers who believe in our ideal. simple, i hope you are satisfied with the answer im giving, if not, pm me and we can discuss further, sorry if it wasnt what you want to hear pal.
Bracketmasters dont have any real authority, they just want the best for the bracket and for everyone to enjoy it. There are no rules, just ideals, and what most people do, is follow ideals they agree with, most people tend to agree bm guard isnt fair. if you think it is, then all the power to you, but just dont expect heals from healers who believe in our ideal. simple, i hope you are satisfied with the answer im giving, if not, pm me and we can discuss further, sorry if it wasnt what you want to hear pal.

Then the healers will lose the game, not my fault.
Pug rules should be equalivant to the TC 39 rules. Simple as that. However, since we don't have a rule set created for the TC 39 yet, the whole bracket is just one big chaos / drama cluster fuck, poorly managed by Boostz.
You see thing thing with that whole ban/not banned scenario is that it's important to know what your capable with on a website as opposed to what your not capable of. You can't force people to do things but you can ask them....a matter of it's not what you do but how you do it. And the way it was done is going to force people to do it because of the mere fact no one on this site can tell another person what to do...
It's one thing to afk/not heal the few arcane bomb/ flash bomb/speed potting jackasses who actually ruined games. Try a 10 second unbreakable fear and a 5 second silence and half your health and mana in one bomb on your healer/fc

banning a jump that's been done once in pugs is stupid. The jump is easier than wsg stump and tot jumps but those aren't "banned"
It's always been my opinion that banning things is stupid because enforcement of a ban always leads to games being thrown just to police the offenders. Or games fall apart because people stop queuing into games where no one is policing 'the rules.' If you want to have a healthy environment, you have to eliminate random variables, such as queuing in the BG finder while expecting quality games.

If you want to enforce a certain set of rules, you have to use Wargames and exclude those people who won't follow your rules. If a particular rule is something everyone wants, then it's not going to be an issue setting up Wargames instead of queuing randomly into shit.

Wargames will also give you the ability to tune teams before you queue so you can get a better balance. Teams don't get screwed for having no healers. Games aren't steam rolls because no one is stacking a bunch of OP classes on one side.
Pug rules should be equalivant to the TC 39 rules. Simple as that. However, since we don't have a rule set created for the TC 39 yet, the whole bracket is just one big chaos / drama cluster fuck, poorly managed by Boostz.

I am more than happy to step down and let someone else take the reins. I never volunteered for this position, and I said both before and after Anatomyz stepped down that he was the better fit. He just wasn't able to continue and I didn't want to dump it on another player.

That being said....

Your attitude is so fucking pathetic. You do and moan and complain about things that ONLY benefit you. You don't realize that my 1 job is to keep the games going. This bracket has to organize times for a large number of people to queue at the same time to even get pops, and that is the ONLY concern. But you don't give a fuck. You're just some EU transfer that wants to play games and gives zero consideration for fairness or the long term of the bracket here on US.

I wondered why EU didn't have bg pops of any sort given its population. Now I do not. Bunch of individuals who just want to look good for their own sake.

It's nice getting offhand insults in threads and over ts while I had to stop playing 39s about 4 hours early and deal with all this behind the scenes and try and console a huge amount of players because some idiotic buffoon wasn't even a tiny bit considerate of fair gameplay.

Just leave, honestly. You will not be missed.

Edit: The irony of your post is that in TC rules that jump would have never been allowed, as is your gy jumps weren't allowed. The only difference is at the moment it's Living's project so it will be his decision regarding those things. 'Current' TC rules means the removal of the jumps I have banned.
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It's always been my opinion that banning things is stupid because enforcement of a ban always leads to games being thrown just to police the offenders. Or games fall apart because people stop queuing into games where no one is policing 'the rules.' If you want to have a healthy environment, you have to eliminate random variables, such as queuing in the BG finder while expecting quality games.

If you want to enforce a certain set of rules, you have to use Wargames and exclude those people who won't follow your rules. If a particular rule is something everyone wants, then it's not going to be an issue setting up Wargames instead of queuing randomly into shit.

Wargames will also give you the ability to tune teams before you queue so you can get a better balance. Teams don't get screwed for having no healers. Games aren't steam rolls because no one is stacking a bunch of OP classes on one side.

Pug games keep the bracket alive. War games do not.

Pug games die, so will the rest of the bracket. So I think we should be able to agree to a few rules for the betterment of the bracket. Not sure why you guys can't comprehend this. A few more game nights of MVPs bullshit jumps and game nights WIlL die. Games already ended a few hours early because people were sick of dealing with him
It's one thing to afk/not heal the few arcane bomb/ flash bomb/speed potting jackasses who actually ruined games. Try a 10 second unbreakable fear and a 5 second silence and half your health and mana in one bomb on your healer/fc

banning a jump that's been done once in pugs is stupid. The jump is easier than wsg stump and tot jumps but those aren't "banned"

Not even comparable to ToT jump. ToT does not make someone unkillable. And it's not such a huge unfair advantage to one side.

If MVP quits the pug ruining jumps then I'll quit the bombs. I don't want to have to use them but it was the only way to have an impact when horde has tryhard jr on their team jumping everything in sight and alliance has no FCs. Also we don't have any razor naga jump macros either
Not even comparable to ToT jump. ToT does not make someone unkillable. And it's not such a huge unfair advantage to one side.

If MVP quits the pug ruining jumps then I'll quit the bombs. I don't want to have to use them but it was the only way to have an impact when horde has tryhard jr on their team jumping everything in sight and alliance has no FCs. Also we don't have any razor naga jump macros either

use tot vs people who dont know tot jump = unkillable

tp jump against people who dont know jump = unkillable

Not even comparable to ToT jump. ToT does not make someone unkillable. And it's not such a huge unfair advantage to one side.

If MVP quits the pug ruining jumps then I'll quit the bombs. I don't want to have to use them but it was the only way to have an impact when horde has tryhard jr on their team jumping everything in sight and alliance has no FCs. Also we don't have any razor naga jump macros either

Shut the fuck up. Countless complains have been posted around in the 30-39 section about you abusing speed pots, flash bombs etc. way before me doing the jump.
use tot vs people who dont know tot jump = unkillable

tp jump against people who dont know jump = unkillable


As if yesterday was the only game night he has done obnoxious jumps :D;)

It's been accumulating since the bracket's revival, and alliance aren't going to take your shit any longer :cool:
Pug games keep the bracket alive. War games do not.

Pug games die, so will the rest of the bracket. So I think we should be able to agree to a few rules for the betterment of the bracket. Not sure why you guys can't comprehend this. A few more game nights of MVPs bullshit jumps and game nights WIlL die. Games already ended a few hours early because people were sick of dealing with him

few more games night nights of your consumable spamming and games will die...Act like you're not part of the Issue causing games to end early.

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