Runic Spellthread bugged ?

hi, a guy came in today and asked me to put Runic Spellthread on his Darkweave Breeches.

so he trades me the breeches and the spellthread.

i have both in my inventory, i put the runic on his spellthread...

then i proceed to trade him back the enchanted breeches...

but, it says they are soulbound and when i check they are.

so applying the runic Spellthread made the breeches soulbound.

is this normal, have they changed it in the last patch or something ?

now the guys mad and think i want to screw him up !
Me too... I haven't heard this yet.

Are you 100% sure it was RUNIC Spellthread and not one of the new ones?
that's what i was thinking, but from from the stats...

stats are +35SP +20STAM

how many leg enchants do you know that does that !

wow that sucks bigtime, i hope this situation doesn't get any worse so that you're reported or something.

this is what he may have given you:

I'm sure some of you are looking at this item because you want to put it on the pants of your twink, or your lowbie to make leveling it less of a chore. If so, don't bother, because any item you use it on will become soulbound if it isn't already. Just a heads up.

quoted from a wowhead user about Azure Spellthread
now that you mention it... thought only golden and runic were giving those stats, but he did mention me that it was a blue item, so it must have been these since runic is epic ! well that clears things up, i should have checked before applying it.
It's not bugged. It just must have been an Azure Spellthread. I attached these yesterday (can't remember if I did runic or golden though, I'm pretty sure it was runic)


After (not BoP):


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