Rumsey Rum Brewing Co conspiracy theory MUST READ


Hi my name is light or as many of you know Turtle;
Im here to talk to you about an issue that has been impacting the community on a global scale

What exactly is the issue and what can be done about it? Is there any way to prove such things? And or will this really take affect in our daily PVPing lives? Many questions like these will arise. It is highly advice that you settle down and just read further on.


Lets tackle the situation in the core structure. What is Brewfest?
"Brewfest is a rowdy celebration featuring large festival camps set up outside of Orgrimmar and Ironforge, with smaller camps set outside of each major city. At the main camps, players will find quests, vendors, and everflowing kegs of brew! World of Warcraft's Brewfest is an in-game version of the Bavarian fair Oktoberfest, complete with its own special festival music and activies." Quoted from Source: Brewfest - World Event - World of Warcraft

Well Turtle, thank you for the educational statement even though I already knew much about the event;
But what does this have to do with anything?
Well my friends, this is all leading up a unique guild that was given birth in the motherland Drenden and is now located the in central capital of Bleeding Hollow. The Rumsey Rum Brewing Co.

As many of you know a recent 10v10 was going to be hosted by the Rumsey Rum Brewing Co and AP Twinks.
Unfortunately it was cancelled do to some roster issues that AP Twinks claimed to have.......

...OR SO WE THOUGHT! What exactly is the real purpose to them not Wargaming? Is the Rumsey Rum Brewing Co hiding something? What leads me to believe this? Well if you examine the events and dates, you will notice the 10v10 day was set on Pirate's Day...The day BEFORE Brewfest!

I manage to interview a few people who are active in the bracket.
Maybe they could lead me up to something?
WARNING: The interviews have been classified as "too much to handle". Viewer discretion is STRONGLY ADVICED do not click the spoilers if you are not ready to handle the truth:

[MENTION=20770]Felfiend[/MENTION] -

light: First question, What do you know about the Rumsey Rum Brewing Co?

Felfiend: Its the reformed guild of Needs Mastery - Drenden Ally
on BH Ally
but BJ

light: Have you had any affilation with this Guild?

Felfiend: yea

light: What was it?

Felfiend: I mean I played rogue for Needs Mastery
idk how to spell
im tired as !@#$
and ik a lot of the members

light: Are you aware of any secrets that they keep within themselfs reguarding the Brewfest event?

Felfiend: No

light: thank you for your time

[MENTION=24854]Recluse[/MENTION] -

light: First question, What do you know about the Rumsey Rum Brewing Co?

Recluse: its a guild on BH

light: Have you had any affilation with this Guild?

Recluse: yea man i play with the guildmates all the time

light: Are you aware of any secrets that they keep within themselfs reguarding the Brewfest event?

Recluse: yea ubex mentioned something

light: Do you recall what it was?

Recluse: thats disclosed information man

light: Thank you for your time


light: First question, What do you know about the Rumsey Rum Brewing Co?

Lenny: At first, i saw this guild from bleeding hollow and i saw people on that guild doing decent plays. I did not have an idea if it was Gokku's guild. Got to learn that on a random talk with [MENTION=22365]ßurg[/MENTION] at skype.

light: Have you had any affilation with this Guild?

Lenny: Some of my friends play there, yes.

light: Are you aware of any secrets that they keep within themselfs reguarding the Brewfest event?

Lenny: I know that +15 stamina is a good buff, and that you guys are the masters of it.

light: Thank you for your time

As you can see many people are clueless on the matter.
However quoting Recluse "thats disclosed information man" will lead people to think that there is INDEED something that the Rumsey Rum Brewing Co is hiding?

My theory being that Rumsey Rum Brewing Co is influenced by the event of the Brewfest leading them to have ungodly unimaginable powers/buffs/energy. Infinite predictions of powers that they attain through this event or the day BEFORE!
[MENTION=27582]Timeforsaper[/MENTION] KNEW about this and therefore came up with the roster and excuse and forfeited to prevent any colossus damage from happening that could possibly even break the game itself!!!

Well shit Turtle, why do you not report this to the authorities? Why are the members not banned from both WoW and TI!?
Because this is only a theory.... Why is it not a fact?
In an interview I did with [MENTION=12416]Epichealtime[/MENTION] I was sadly informed that Rum itself is NOT brewed... but rather made through distillery

So I am yet to solve the peices to the puzzle .... theres a lot more going on for sure
I just cannot connect the fragments of mystery

Please if you have anything to report on the matter leave it below, it is urgent!
You mean to tell me /gasp that a twink is twinking??? Oh lawd have mercy on us all!!! What will we ever do???
Don't forget the cheap food!!!

Anyone in the know, knows how to get this +15 stamina buff. It has only been around for eight years. No conspiracy....


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