Rolling a f2p sham


Im rolling a resto sham (horde side) when my time runs out (sept 7th) i already created the char and got it to 10 on a trial i spent to last 30-40mins looking through gear on chardev and making a potential BiS sham but idk if it is BiS just taking what looked the best out of my options ---->chardev 8 - WoW Cataclysm<---

Is it basicly i managed to get a 40% damage reduc with good spellpower and mana and hp so 1200hp 40% damage reduc 143 sp and 1800mana I should prob be able to livee forever with some heal surge spams So if anyone has tips on the chardev and maybe some sham tips/Addons/Whatever my sham's name is frog and is (H) aerie peak :D should be fun to play as of sept 7th
Jdoring said:
some of that stuff you cant get on a 20, just sayin, also Atych stacks resil, i suggest you do the same

Yeah I might get JP shoulders aswell but I prefer resi and much armor cause of the massive burst. Crit is though nice (healing surge crit is like lay on hands). So it's a hard choice.
A dead healer does not heal, self survival prio #1 in such a bursty bracket, I'd copy Atych's build, with some slight changes for horde.
Nuster @ Korialstrasz Horde

I am pretty happy with this setup. I am missing a LFH, AGM and my BOA trinket.

Before I got the chest I used Nobles Robe. Before the shoulders I used some random quest reward with int/stm/spi. Before the hammer i used the Sham quest reward from SFK.
Footman said:
Omg don't do that to me! You just got my hopes up when I saw that krom'gar helm on your chardev... That would've solved most of the Horde's problems! But you can't actually get it at 20... arrrg i am so disappointed now... Krom'gar General's Hide Mask - Item - World of Warcraft

Yeah, and the cincher is that when the 'Stonetalon PvP rewards' DO become available, there is for the most part better gear around. A bit of a missed opportunity for Blizz.

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