Grabco said:hmmm i'm thinking goblin mages will be pretty good. Snare + jump 30 yards = win
curleypwnsu said:so rogues will get 1 agility is 2 AP whitch will make rogues OP which will prob make rogues go dual 15 agility idk 60 AP>fiery
Linkani said:Hunter will get this too so you might wanna go back to Agility stack cuz Hunter resource will be Focus
So hunters will be even more OP
KÃtty said:Don't want to be offensive but these threads over Cataclysm are just stupid. I mean it won't be around for 5-10 months easy and the golden rule which we have learned off Blizzard is that they always change / edit what they say. So you can't really relie on anything they say till its on ptr or live. Just my two cents on this shizzle.
lindenkron said:Exactly. A deeper explanation of what I wrote above . Good kitty *stroke*
Zimt the Diplomat said:And we also know - Blizzard's releases are always delayed ..
Slashdrive said:Bliz has said they intend on BOAs for every slot. So let's hope getting gear becomes more easy. Then with luck our numbers will grow and you can get into a game on BGs other than ruin.