Rogue or warrior?

I noticed that rogues keep beating warrior's, is it mainly because rogues>warrior's, or is it because i haven't seen any warrior with any kind of skills?
I can usually beat rogues pretty easily on my warrior 1o1, but in's a 50/50 thing.

Imo overall, it's a 50 50 thing. rogues and warriors both have their good qualities. It's all about how you play your cards.

IE: Warrior is low on health so he does hamstring on the rogue to bandage, rogue removes hamstring and does sprint, warrior dies.

IE:Warrior Hamstring/rend/charge spams the rogue, rogue dies.

Depends on how the class plays their cards. IMO they are equal.
i would say the way to kill a rogue as a warrior is to get a lot of armour and a shield spike as major stats, but this gear setup is ONLY good versus rogues and not versus a single other class except maybe that retardis will find it a little anoying as well. only versus those paladins, u can increase the duration of the fight and hope for reinforces, but he can do exactly the same so its not really worth it to stack the armour for them.

as armour is highly effective versus rogues, it sucks versus any other class cuz u often want just a lot of AP to kill them fast(every caster with skill will kite you the first few seconds of a fight so u want a lot of damage when u finally reach them).

now, warriors also aren't that awsome FC's cuz they can not remove slowments or heal a bit like shamans, druids and paladins can so it is not likely that u are going to flag carry but most likely go EFC. which means that u want AP as well... with all those things where a warrior wants AP and not armour, it is verry unlikely that an unplanned warrVrogue fight will be in high armour gear so most warriors wil not have the advantage in those fights, they still have all theyr abilities ofcourse, but a lot of crit and a lot of AP recuires a lot of luck to win a fight like that and if both the rogue and the warrior are geared like that(rogues are ALWAYS geared towards crit and AP right?) it will result in a 50% win for both really

purgestalker-dreanor/ demoralized-bladefist

btw i dont even think i have a propper armour set on my warrior because there are not really rogues to duel around on my realm
Warrior - Protection geared and specced.

In WSG and AB its best in my opinion.

Its good survival and defensive aswel as offensive.

Revenge is very nice dmg dealing ability. Combined with heroic strike and thunterclap you can put out good burst.

Combined with good str / crit and stam...

Revenge is triggered alot because many players and pets are trying to hit you.

so you will have it available alot even against casters.

I play a not yet full geared 28 warrior and had it pre revenge buff , crit it for more close to 500 (no beserk)

(EU - Silvermoon - Ergos) (in stre gear) and not fully geared yet

Also go for dreanai. The healing racial is very nice as its scales with AP.

Twinkchromaggus said:
I noticed that rogues keep beating warrior's, is it mainly because rogues>warrior's, or is it because i haven't seen any warrior with any kind of skills?


I'll send a rogue home if he comes and duels me on my warrior.
w/ shield. Rogues honestly can't do a lot to warriors til 39.

39 they get a shit ton of stunlocks but at the same time, so does prot warriors.

At 39, they are basicly equal on somewhat of a level.

But honestly, Warrior > Rogue. But a really smart rogue could possibly beat a warrior w/ shield, thats if the warrior doesn't know how to bind hamstring to all his keys and /faceroll
Its all just a matter of opinion and matter of skill.

A warrior that knows what they are doing and knows how to encounter a rogue should have no problem taking down one. But, if a rogue knows how to counter a warrior and knows what they are doing, they should have no problem taking down one.

Its all just a bunch of what ifs because; what if crusader pops giving the warrior 100 extra health? Or what if the rogue makes 2 crits in a row? What if fiery and shadowfang proc at the exact same time?

We'll never know for sure, but both classes are good to have in a battleground. Granted; some people prefer one over the other.
Its all just a matter of opinion and matter of skill.

A warrior that knows what they are doing and knows how to encounter a rogue should have no problem taking down one.

I can agree with that much.

Equally skilled warrior vs. rogue the warrior's going to win every time.
Overall the Warrior is the better choice. Its one of the more sought after classes. But every player has that class they have the most trouble beating. Not to mention ever class has a counter class. It all depends on what ifs, it also depends on who the players are and if they know what they are doing, as said many times before.
In premades warriors>rogues.

In pugs warriors>rogues.

In arenas they are comparable.

In a 1v1 a warrior should always beat a rogue :S
I'll take a rogue over a warrior if the warrior doesn't know how to spamstring :3
God.. You don't need a shield to rip a rogue..

Ask Stian(omgmom) how our 2 duels went down. I'm a 2-h DPS warrior, no shield hugging. And stian proclaims #1 rogue, so no better comparison?

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