Rogue Assassin / Outlaw Video Compiled

Am i in it?
Nice vid man! What are your thoughts on the strengths of Outlaw vs Assassination? Seems like you play Outlaw more, is it just stronger? If so, what makes it stronger?

Estou nele?
eu believe so, Friend, Taurean Horde ? Yes ?
Bom vídeo, cara! O que você acha dos pontos fortes de Outlaw vs Assassination? Parece que você joga mais Outlaw, é apenas mais forte? Em caso afirmativo, o que o torna mais forte?

eu combat can stay longer In combat without taking too much damage, and thus cause more group control, Already Murdered and made for Quick play, assassin is done for Killing efc.
google translator user spotted haha.

watched video, no sleeping footage, disappointed.

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