Rogue advice needed...

Greetings all,

I used to spend a lot of time playing my twinks, but since WOTLK I've been leveling, grinding arenas on my 80s, doing Tourney Realm, etc and have totally neglected my twinks.

I'm looking to get back into twink-play seriously, but I'm kind of out of the loop since WOTLK. I will supply the link to my rogue's armory, and was hoping some of you up to date & informed folks could assist me in:

  1. Deciding what if anything needs upgrades with my gear.
  2. Ironing out a spec that works for my gear.

I was planning on grinding out Jewelcrafting to get shadow panther trinket btw. I know that's one item that needs attention ASAP.

Oh and the bind on account badge items aren't really a possibility for me, since my 80s are scatted across other servers for arena team optimization.

Thanks in advance for any advice you have to offer me.

Shirk-US said:
Greetings all,

I used to spend a lot of time playing my twinks, but since WOTLK I've been leveling, grinding arenas on my 80s, doing Tourney Realm, etc and have totally neglected my twinks.

I'm looking to get back into twink-play seriously, but I'm kind of out of the loop since WOTLK. I will supply the link to my rogue's armory, and was hoping some of you up to date & informed folks could assist me in:

  1. Deciding what if anything needs upgrades with my gear.
  2. Ironing out a spec that works for my gear.

I was planning on grinding out Jewelcrafting to get shadow panther trinket btw. I know that's one item that needs attention ASAP.

Oh and the bind on account badge items aren't really a possibility for me, since my 80s are scatted across other servers for arena team optimization.

Thanks in advance for any advice you have to offer me.


A few fixes and your rogue should be good to go. Profession wise I'd go for Engineering - for the Catseye Ultra Goggles - and Herbalism. I'm not a fan of the Shadowpanter trinket because human and nelf rogues will still get the sap on you, even if they don't have the trinket.

As for gear upgrades:

[item]9390[/item] - of the Monkey. Enchant it with +15 hit.

[item]14601[/item] - Enchant with +6 stats.

[item]9240[/item] - Main Hand Weapon. Enchant with Mongoose.

[item]10823[/item] - Offhand Weapon. Enchant with +20 agility.

I'd advice you to spec Hemo, you can use this build or alter it to your likings:


Glyphwise I'd replace your Garrote glyph with the Sprint Glyph, it's awesome now.
7/0/23 or 6/0/24 for blood spatter are also very good specs.
Awesome, thanks so much for the tips guys!

Any advice to replace my crappy [item]Rune of Duty[/item] trinket?
Quick question.

So I've basically replaced everything as recommended, and my gear is very much in line at this point with the chardev linked above. The last piece is my green whelp bracers, which are sitting in my mailbox on my character to be enchanted and equipped next time I log on.

Specifically my question is in regards to the enchant on it. Why the strength over AP? I was under the impression that 1 str = 1 ap for me (Rogue), and the green whelp bracer is ilvl 38, so the 24 AP enchant should be possible (unless the required level of 33 supersedes the ilvl, it's been a while - I'm rusty on that).

What am I missing here? Is the STR enchant infact superior?

Thanks in advance.


Shirk-US said:
(unless the required level of 33 supersedes the ilvl, it's been a while - I'm rusty on that).

if an item has a "requires level xx" that takes precedence always.
CitrusZinus said:
This is about as good as it gets for alliance twink rogues now days, good luck. v6 ~ a World of Warcraft character planner

Edit: I feel I should mention you should mong your MH, also the talent build was meant for ambush openers with sent dagger enchanted with 7 wep damage but it's totally up to you if those points seembetter spent elsewhere.

I like your gear choice. I went with hemo, double mongoose -I know disarm hurts- but trinkets, I use the haste heirloom one.
I ended up grabbing the [item]Mark of the Chosen[/item] for my other trinket, it wasn't *that* bad to obtain, and it was certainly better than my Rune of Duty.

The only thing I'm working on atm is deciding whether those [item]Green Whelp Bracers[/item] are worth using over my [item]Scorpashi Wristbands[/item]. Since I'm already over 5% hit w/out them, I'm not sure.

If I switch to Green Whelp Bracers, my stats will be impacted as such:

Health: -30

AGI: -6

AP: -23 (translates to -1.64 DPS)

Dodge: -0.8%

STR: +7

HIT: +4 (taking it from 5.87% to 6.54%)

CRIT: +0.13%

It seems to me that 30 health, 6 agi, 23 AP, and 0.8% dodge would be > 7 str, 0.13% crit, and 4 hit when I'm already over 5%.

Anyone else agree?
Hit cap yourself and then just build up your stats from there.

How you play your rogue is more important than min/maxing that extra few AP :p
stick to scorpashi.

use rune of duty again.

get AB trinket and possibly AGM.

armor set on legs.

That's what I was thinking too, about the bracer. Thanks.

Problem with my Rune of Duty is that it was the lower level one, as I had linked. I had already planned on most likely buying the upgraded version, but hadn't done so yet.

Working on AGM soon, as well.

Thanks for the tip on armor, had forgotten about that.

Engineering atm, and planning on skilling Herb. soon.
next duty is lvl 40 afaik. but even the 20 one is better than mark of the chosen. AB trinket + herb is a very nice OH SHT button for BGs. get it too.

yep, herb is super duper...
I just want to throw it out there.. the majority of competitive things like arena, duels, non-pug BG's require a ton more hp than ~2100. A well rounded and far superior gear selection would be some variation of..


There's a place for glass canon rogues but I guarantee you will be far more effective (if you are any good at the class) if you round out your stam more.
maybe it is just me, but i would prefer surefooted + 15 agi to gloves. but that all may change with the next patch and BoA chests. havent looked at it enough, coz i have no BoA gear.

nice idea to not use surefooted and rather get a lil over hitcap than under...have to think about it.
get the +5 stats alchemy trinket, then dump alch and level herb. i only use mark of chosen when im gettin heals and FC'n cuz it doesn't procc much. +5 all the time is nice. AGM is nice for use but long CD. its better at lv 19,29 when others aren't available.
Interesting contention. I was thinking about building a heavy stam set after this set of normal gear.

Although I would argue playstyle plays a major role in what is needed, and if there is a class that could go with less health, I would probably argue it being Rogues; but I do think there is merit in rocking a lot of Stam to give yourself the chance to put out more damage, albeit less quickly.

I guess what I'll do is keep trying to "perfect" this set best I can, and simultaneously build the other, and play with each to see how effective I am. Currently flying solo in BGs, so the stam might help me more since I don't have a pocket healer/pocket peeler for when help is needed.

Sure is nice to 'glass-canon' it into Flag rooms and blast an EFC before his team even knows he's under attack, though. Also quick kills on defenders at flag nodes before back-up arrives.

I could maybe tweak my set + embellish like this if I was interested: v6 ~ a World of Warcraft character planner
Shirk-US said:
Interesting contention. I was thinking about building a heavy stam set after this set of normal gear.

Although I would argue playstyle plays a major role in what is needed, and if there is a class that could go with less health, I would probably argue it being Rogues; but I do think there is merit in rocking a lot of Stam to give yourself the chance to put out more damage, albeit less quickly.

I guess what I'll do is keep trying to "perfect" this set best I can, and simultaneously build the other, and play with each to see how effective I am. Currently flying solo in BGs, so the stam might help me more since I don't have a pocket healer/pocket peeler for when help is needed.

Sure is nice to 'glass-canon' it into Flag rooms and blast an EFC before his team even knows he's under attack, though. Also quick kills on defenders at flag nodes before back-up arrives.

I could maybe tweak my set + embellish like this if I was interested: v6 ~ a World of Warcraft character planner

It's not even so much that you do more damage albeit more slowly.. It's avoiding being gibbed. Not only does it give your healers a decent amount of time to account for switches and general burst but it also gives rogues time to use their ample cd's. The set you linked is pretty well balanced, should do fine for most things.

Don't listen to the guy above you either, the trinket requires alchemy.


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