[Revisited] damage control

Just thought about this again cuz Wuvz in Fishing Buddies was suggesting a No kill game to work on jumps etc. I was thinking games of this nature might be good for not only jumps but to revisit the idea of damage control. Lets do some simple math try to stay with me.

25 minute game minus 1 minute to get into position

24 minutes = 1440 seconds or 576 heals (2.5sec cast)

300,000/576 heals = 520 healing done every cast

at this point it does not sound possible because 520 every cast doesn't happen but with the AOE healing glyph a small heal of 30 on your primary target would heal 8 other people in an 8 yard radius for 30 each or a total of 240

300(Heal)+240(AOE) = 540 every cast

This is also assuming a small heal of 340 if you healed for a 600 crit heal the total heal would be for 1080 including the AOE.

The limiting factor is of course mana and having targets to actually heal if there were locks lifetapping or simply a lot of people with a high stam to low stam gear change macro that they spammed I think this is entirely possible what do you think?
Don't forget that you can get some extra healing done in that first minute, locks can life tap and you can also heal injured pets. :)
You get 1 Priest or Pally or any type of healer. You get 1 FC, and 2 rogues on the opposite side. You take all of you, and run next to a rejuv hut, and you heal the FC while the rogues make sure to dmg him but not kill him, and when you go OOM, you simply run into the rejuv hut and run back out and continue healing.
Eliot said:
Out of mana.

I was thinking about that but it's possible to stand in the rejuv hut that would help also if you can get ahead of pace because of spellpower buffs or outside buffs there might be some time for drinking? how long does it take the rejuv hut to respawn? 1 min or 2 min?
This has been discussed before in a previous thread. I don't want to go looking for when or where I posted it, and in what thread, but it is possible.
Firetruckk said:
This has been discussed before in a previous thread. I don't want to go looking for when or where I posted it, and in what thread, but it is possible.

Hmm now that you mentioned it I think I remember that too, not sure if we discussed paladin AOE heal though, I think we may have just talked about druid hots

Can bandage ticks crit?

there's been multiple threads that discuss this. It is possible. The most feasible way in my opinion is with bandages. In an ideal situation you'd have a team full of life tapping warlocks buffed out to around the 2k+ HP range. But I think it is probably possible with other classes in stam gear by simply swapping between their "birthday suit" and their full stam set just before being bandaged.

Some numbers:

Maximum Amount of total healing for 24 minutes possible given ideal conditions assuming the bandage ticks do not crit = 360,000

24min = 1440 sec

1440 sec / 8 sec bandage length = 180 bandages needed

180 x 2000 heal = 360000 healing

Making conditions ideal:

-Obviously need a premade for both sides

-I reccomend Quartz cast bar so you do not miss ANY time transitioning between targets

-Do this during a time when everyone is not having connection/latency issues (reset routers etc b4 start)

-Have backup Bandagees (wounded targets)

-Bandagees (wounded targets) need to make sure they have 2k+ hp thats needs to be healed

-Have 200 bandages b4 you start the real attempt

-Do a rehearsal. 5 minute length maybe. healing meter; 208.3hps is the absolute minimum. 250hps is ideal

-24 min is a long time! e1 should stay focused

-also a healing add on such as VuhDo, Healbot, or Grid with clique may be a big help allowing single click bandaging without having to physically target your wounded

-Work out a schedule/rotation in advance for the bandager, wounded, & backups doing this 10 times for each person all back to back would take 4 1/2 to 5 hours.

-Extra buffs can't hurt. Have a priest, & druid mains for mark & fort. Have an engineer drop a rocket cluster, have party gather & drop a lucky cluster to give e1 an extra 250hp. During summer holiday for extra stam buff. Darkmoon faire stam buff. Spirit of zandalar buff.
Yeah 7-8 locks would be awesome having 2400 healing per bandage use. After looking more closely other classes even with gear swap It may be hard for them to come with more than 2k worth of HP to heal. locks have the 20% extra as you said, and also being able to lifetap at the same time the bandage is happening is win. How much hp do locks lose per lifetap at 19? It may also be a good idea for those who would be participating in this type of event to roll a lock if their main twink isn't one....to contribute. What would the magic HP number a lock needs to have in order to get the maximum 2400 heal assuming the lock is tapping during the bandage?
Secclusion said:
Yeah 7-8 locks would be awesome having 2400 healing per bandage use. After looking more closely other classes even with gear swap It may be hard for them to come with more than 2k worth of HP to heal. locks have the 20% extra as you said, and also being able to lifetap at the same time the bandage is happening is win. How much hp do locks lose per lifetap at 19? It may also be a good idea for those who would be participating in this type of event to roll a lock if their main twink isn't one....to contribute. What would the magic HP number a lock needs to have in order to get the maximum 2400 heal assuming the lock is tapping during the bandage?

Well, since new patch has not come out yet, we can have the locks stack stamina and spirit only, since Life Tap is affected by spirit and all. As for gear, we can use the Stam lock and add spirit instead of SP and Int.

There's also the choice of using Minor Recombobulator and mana/health pots as backup (as usual). I also found that using life tap and healing during preparation also gives heal points, unless you all knew that already.
Another thing I almost forgot about was the bandager can wear stam set and do gear swap then pop lifeblood whenever its off CD to add a lil bit extra, but don't let it mess with your bandaging rhythm
Hope you guys didn't forget that all healing in Battlegrounds/Arena is reduced by 10% from the last patch we had. Might be a lot harder now considering how much 10% would be of your total healing.
Duckhunt said:
Don't forget that you can get some extra healing done in that first minute, locks can life tap and you can also heal injured pets. :)

Do 300,000 damage or healing in a single battle in any battleground. The damage or healing must be done to a player.
Grabco said:
I was thinking about that but it's possible to stand in the rejuv hut that would help also if you can get ahead of pace because of spellpower buffs or outside buffs there might be some time for drinking? how long does it take the rejuv hut to respawn? 1 min or 2 min?

I think 30 seconds.
Quelfep said:
Do 300,000 damage or healing in a single battle in any battleground. The damage or healing must be done to a player.

Oh yes, true. Forgot about that. The life tapping thing works though.

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