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Return to Glory Level 19 Twink Realm
Summary & Introduction:
We are live, free & open for players forever! Start racing to 19 and for a limited time claim your realm first achievements. It's a brisk leveling to 19 and it only takes a few hours of questing and grinding your ultimate class. All the while focusing your hunt on your gear, professions, weapon skills, rare creatures, achievements, dungeons, quests and of course enjoying some WSG & arenas! The entirety of Azeroth & Outlands is explorable and rewarding and offers the whole game to level 19s. Return to Glory promises never to go beyond the level 19 spells and holds firm to our commitment to deliver 19 spell balance and simplicity that everyone loves in 19 twinking. We strive to deliver an outstanding game and atmosphere that is relatable to the real deal but better quality and isn’t just another “private server.” Hope all communities can enjoy the inviting PvE and PvP Return to Glory offers to 19 Twink lovers!
Summary & Introduction:
We are live, free & open for players forever! Start racing to 19 and for a limited time claim your realm first achievements. It's a brisk leveling to 19 and it only takes a few hours of questing and grinding your ultimate class. All the while focusing your hunt on your gear, professions, weapon skills, rare creatures, achievements, dungeons, quests and of course enjoying some WSG & arenas! The entirety of Azeroth & Outlands is explorable and rewarding and offers the whole game to level 19s. Return to Glory promises never to go beyond the level 19 spells and holds firm to our commitment to deliver 19 spell balance and simplicity that everyone loves in 19 twinking. We strive to deliver an outstanding game and atmosphere that is relatable to the real deal but better quality and isn’t just another “private server.” Hope all communities can enjoy the inviting PvE and PvP Return to Glory offers to 19 Twink lovers!
Our Website & Discord Information:
Create Accounts & Our Discord: https://titans-league.org | https://discord.gg/JGDCmacn7q
Realm requires a patch (it is small): https://titans-league.org/static/downloads/rtg/Patch-5.mpq
How to Connect: https://titans-league.org/page/connect
Create Accounts & Our Discord: https://titans-league.org | https://discord.gg/JGDCmacn7q
Realm requires a patch (it is small): https://titans-league.org/static/downloads/rtg/Patch-5.mpq
How to Connect: https://titans-league.org/page/connect
Our Pledge & Details about the Server:
Experience Superior Quality Scripting, Mapping, & Hosting
Experience a server not like any other private server, where we have gone the next step in improving all mapping and pathing that makes all creatures behave normally on their maps and not fall through to the abyss like many other private servers. In addition, on our server, unlike retail servers even, we provide enhanced LOS around M2 objects such as tree trunks, lamp posts, carts, basically every object that has LOS reflecting a tad bit more realism and limiting hunters from decimating others through say other side of the tree trunks in the center of WSG for example. Furthermore, pets behave top-notch as expected in their following, stay, passive, defensive, and aggressive abilities/stances and don’t get hung up on door jams, nor do they aggro an entire dungeon if you fall down a level smartly executing well timed dismissal. We do sincerely hope you enjoy the stability and professionalism our project and team has to offer all Twinks, Pvp, and Pve categorists and enthusiasts of all types, all neatly packed and nestled for a pleasant invitation into a Level 19 Twink genre World, And it is our mission to deliver a forever lasting premium World of Warcraft Twink Haven where the community can kindle and rest assure their progress will be saved sound and secure for years to come eventually aiming towards dropping those bg queue times for some Warsong Gulches, Arenas, & All World of Warcraft has to offer at WOTLK Expansion Pack! What are you waiting for, come be apart of the sensation and give us a go! Read more in depth at our website and join our Discord for all the latest updates, general discussions and more!
Quick Mentions About Our Patch
Patch comes with AddOns included, you can disable/enable them if you'd like. Addons that are in the patch, you no longer need independently: AtlasLoot, SilverDragon(A Rare finder, you'll want one), Bagnon(Bag Addon), Automatic Junk/Repair Vendor. Players can activate/de-active these settings in the AddOns interface tab on the Character select menu.
*For The Manual downloaders who may not know:*
The patch is named “patch-5.mpq” it goes directly into the Data folder of your WoW 3.3.5a Client folder if manually downloading.
It is good to always clear your cache after an update to feel the full effects on your client. Just delete your cache folder that is located in your WoW folder before logging in after manually updating your patch-5.mpq file and the game will automatically generate you a new cache folder upon reopening WoW.
*For The Manual downloaders who may not know:*
The patch is named “patch-5.mpq” it goes directly into the Data folder of your WoW 3.3.5a Client folder if manually downloading.
It is good to always clear your cache after an update to feel the full effects on your client. Just delete your cache folder that is located in your WoW folder before logging in after manually updating your patch-5.mpq file and the game will automatically generate you a new cache folder upon reopening WoW.
Classes and Abilities
Might & Wisdom last 30 mins.
Battle Shout lasts 30 mins.
Waterbreathing lasts 30 mins.
Warlocks can summon party members.
Mages can make better water/food then vendors offer.
Mages can teleport and use portals.
All Classes
Automatically learn their spells upon leveling up
Can learn dual spec at 19 for 10g.
Know how to all mounts and all have been adjusted and are permanent. Read more about that in Items.
Paragon Leveling System
Players can now level up in paragon after reaching Level 19, earning them Paragon Points that can be redeemed for extra reward at in-game vendors.
Item Transmogrification
Players can Transmog their gear in endless different ways! Transmogs are located in Org, SW, & Booty Bay!
Might & Wisdom last 30 mins.
Battle Shout lasts 30 mins.
Waterbreathing lasts 30 mins.
Warlocks can summon party members.
Mages can make better water/food then vendors offer.
Mages can teleport and use portals.
All Classes
Automatically learn their spells upon leveling up
Can learn dual spec at 19 for 10g.
Know how to all mounts and all have been adjusted and are permanent. Read more about that in Items.
Paragon Leveling System
Players can now level up in paragon after reaching Level 19, earning them Paragon Points that can be redeemed for extra reward at in-game vendors.
Item Transmogrification
Players can Transmog their gear in endless different ways! Transmogs are located in Org, SW, & Booty Bay!
Cooldown set to 15 mins.
Auction House Bot
We feature an auction bot that put trade goods and other useful things on the auction house people can use for recipes and also finding new recipes.
All ground mounts are 60%.
Riding skill is no longer a thing. Players can collect all ground/flying mounts in the game and use them in their appropriate areas. If populations see their number we may deactivate mounts inside of WSG but for now with the WSG being 5v5 mounts can be used everywhere.
Drop Rate
Poor, Common, and Uncommon are 2x normal drop rate.
Item Stacking
Junk items stack up to 20.
Trade items stack up to 100.
Soul Shards stack up to 3.
Ammo stacks up to 2500.
Tailoring supply vendors now sell a 14 slot bag but has 1 in stock with a refresh rate of 90 minutes per vendor.
Heirloom gear has been removed from the game and is unobtainable.
Enchanting supply vendors now offer players armor enchants that they can redeem with Twink Tokens.
WSG Supply Vendors can be found in Org/SW at their PvP headquarters and offer players level 18 PvP blues as well as a place to redeem Twink Tokens for chances at more bis and other exotic loot possibilities.
New location to be revealed soon that has a new event, as well as provides players vendors for redeeming Paragon Points, Vote Points, Honor, Guild Level and so many other currencies/achievements they have earned! Stay tuned for the release on that is approaching fast!
Cooldown set to 15 mins.
Auction House Bot
We feature an auction bot that put trade goods and other useful things on the auction house people can use for recipes and also finding new recipes.
All ground mounts are 60%.
Riding skill is no longer a thing. Players can collect all ground/flying mounts in the game and use them in their appropriate areas. If populations see their number we may deactivate mounts inside of WSG but for now with the WSG being 5v5 mounts can be used everywhere.
Drop Rate
Poor, Common, and Uncommon are 2x normal drop rate.
Item Stacking
Junk items stack up to 20.
Trade items stack up to 100.
Soul Shards stack up to 3.
Ammo stacks up to 2500.
Tailoring supply vendors now sell a 14 slot bag but has 1 in stock with a refresh rate of 90 minutes per vendor.
Heirloom gear has been removed from the game and is unobtainable.
Enchanting supply vendors now offer players armor enchants that they can redeem with Twink Tokens.
WSG Supply Vendors can be found in Org/SW at their PvP headquarters and offer players level 18 PvP blues as well as a place to redeem Twink Tokens for chances at more bis and other exotic loot possibilities.
New location to be revealed soon that has a new event, as well as provides players vendors for redeeming Paragon Points, Vote Points, Honor, Guild Level and so many other currencies/achievements they have earned! Stay tuned for the release on that is approaching fast!
New Items
Expanded loot threshold
Level 20 items & iLvl 33 items and below have now all been dropped to level 19 opening up a 161 items and creating new room for expansion of what is BiS cutting a fresh path and worthiness of new guides but still close to the original BiS options. There are a few more shoulder and helmet options for i.e but still really limited to what makes twinking all more enjoyable!
Twink Tokens
Can be earned through PvP HKs but as well from all quests, Gurubashi Chests, and the end bosses of the upgrade dungeons.
Twink Sack of Helpful Goods
For 5 Twink Tokens players can redeem these from their WSG Supply vendors, contain every actual equip-able item you can wear in the game.
Leveler Reward Satchel 1,322 Items!
Rewarded from quests level 10 & below and gives beginning players a chance at above average loot for what little time they have in getting to 19.
All these items level 12 and below have had their required level removed opening up early progression for new characters getting them ready for rares, dungeons, and world events, and arenas.
Drops Level 1-15 & itemLvl 23 and below
Daddy Needs a New Pair of Shoes! 17,557 Items!
Xmog bag drops every gear/item in the game.
“Transmoggable!” gear have had their prices modified.
Has a chance to drop from Not So Bad Bag & A Motherload Bag & Gurubashi Arena Chest.
Can be purchased from numerous in-game vendors for numerous different currencies, vote points, donor points, paragon points, arena points, honor points, etc.
Mass Appeal Wardrobe 135 Items!
Has a chance to drop from Not So Bad Bag & A Motherload Bag & Gurubashi Arena Chest.
Can be purchased from numerous in-game vendors for numerous different currencies, vote points, donor points, paragon points, arena points, honor points, etc.
Not So Bad Bag 45 Items!
Drops Lvl 1-15 & iLvl 20 and below rare quality items.
Drops from rare creatures level 15 and below.
A Motherload Bag 175 Items!
Drops Lvl 15-19 & iLvl 40 and below rare quality items.
Drops from rare creatures level 16 and above.
Drops from end dungeon bosses of the upgrade dungeons only.
Can be purchased from numerous in-game vendors for numerous different currencies, vote points, donor points, paragon points, arena points, honor points, etc.
Dude.. Where's My Car? 328 Items!
These drop mounts.
Has a chance to drop from Not So Bad Bag & A Motherload Bag & Gurubashi Arena Chest.
Can be purchased from numerous in-game vendors for numerous different currencies, vote points, donor points, paragon points, arena points, honor points, etc.
Pets & Toy Bag 275 Items!
Has a chance to drop from Not So Bad Bag & A Motherload Bag & Gurubashi Arena Chest.
Can be purchased from numerous in-game vendors for numerous different currencies, vote points, donor points, paragon points, arena points, honor points, etc.
Paragon Points
Received when gaining a level in paragon(any level you’d received after 19, but you don’t level beyond 19 any further or gain stats). How you receive 1 Paragon Points every level and receive 5 Paragon Points for every 5 levels. These can be redeemed at their vendor which will be described on the item in-game!
Vote Points
Received when voting on for our community through the voting panel of Titans-League.org, players are able to vote every 12 hours on each website, giving them a max potential of 14 Vote Points a day.
Donation Points
Received to your player account when donating through the donation panel of Titans-League.org, our systems process PayPal and most card providers. Know before that donation is never a requirement and we are never asking, but if players wish to reward the server as well as themselves, we will allow them and reward them back. However, players will not be able to buy any direct individual piece of BiS from donations, this avoids players paying to get ahead. We want all players be able to experience the same fresh start of chance and balance in any situation we hold firm to our Blizz-like 19 hemisphere commitment. Instead players can buy bags for a chance of all the reward bag varieties as well as the best Transmog sets, cool appearances and collectibles, titles, features, customization and so much more.
Expanded loot threshold
Level 20 items & iLvl 33 items and below have now all been dropped to level 19 opening up a 161 items and creating new room for expansion of what is BiS cutting a fresh path and worthiness of new guides but still close to the original BiS options. There are a few more shoulder and helmet options for i.e but still really limited to what makes twinking all more enjoyable!
Twink Tokens
Can be earned through PvP HKs but as well from all quests, Gurubashi Chests, and the end bosses of the upgrade dungeons.
Twink Sack of Helpful Goods
For 5 Twink Tokens players can redeem these from their WSG Supply vendors, contain every actual equip-able item you can wear in the game.
Leveler Reward Satchel 1,322 Items!
Rewarded from quests level 10 & below and gives beginning players a chance at above average loot for what little time they have in getting to 19.
All these items level 12 and below have had their required level removed opening up early progression for new characters getting them ready for rares, dungeons, and world events, and arenas.
Drops Level 1-15 & itemLvl 23 and below
Daddy Needs a New Pair of Shoes! 17,557 Items!
Xmog bag drops every gear/item in the game.
“Transmoggable!” gear have had their prices modified.
Has a chance to drop from Not So Bad Bag & A Motherload Bag & Gurubashi Arena Chest.
Can be purchased from numerous in-game vendors for numerous different currencies, vote points, donor points, paragon points, arena points, honor points, etc.
Mass Appeal Wardrobe 135 Items!
Has a chance to drop from Not So Bad Bag & A Motherload Bag & Gurubashi Arena Chest.
Can be purchased from numerous in-game vendors for numerous different currencies, vote points, donor points, paragon points, arena points, honor points, etc.
Not So Bad Bag 45 Items!
Drops Lvl 1-15 & iLvl 20 and below rare quality items.
Drops from rare creatures level 15 and below.
A Motherload Bag 175 Items!
Drops Lvl 15-19 & iLvl 40 and below rare quality items.
Drops from rare creatures level 16 and above.
Drops from end dungeon bosses of the upgrade dungeons only.
Can be purchased from numerous in-game vendors for numerous different currencies, vote points, donor points, paragon points, arena points, honor points, etc.
Dude.. Where's My Car? 328 Items!
These drop mounts.
Has a chance to drop from Not So Bad Bag & A Motherload Bag & Gurubashi Arena Chest.
Can be purchased from numerous in-game vendors for numerous different currencies, vote points, donor points, paragon points, arena points, honor points, etc.
Pets & Toy Bag 275 Items!
Has a chance to drop from Not So Bad Bag & A Motherload Bag & Gurubashi Arena Chest.
Can be purchased from numerous in-game vendors for numerous different currencies, vote points, donor points, paragon points, arena points, honor points, etc.
Paragon Points
Received when gaining a level in paragon(any level you’d received after 19, but you don’t level beyond 19 any further or gain stats). How you receive 1 Paragon Points every level and receive 5 Paragon Points for every 5 levels. These can be redeemed at their vendor which will be described on the item in-game!
Vote Points
Received when voting on for our community through the voting panel of Titans-League.org, players are able to vote every 12 hours on each website, giving them a max potential of 14 Vote Points a day.
Donation Points
Received to your player account when donating through the donation panel of Titans-League.org, our systems process PayPal and most card providers. Know before that donation is never a requirement and we are never asking, but if players wish to reward the server as well as themselves, we will allow them and reward them back. However, players will not be able to buy any direct individual piece of BiS from donations, this avoids players paying to get ahead. We want all players be able to experience the same fresh start of chance and balance in any situation we hold firm to our Blizz-like 19 hemisphere commitment. Instead players can buy bags for a chance of all the reward bag varieties as well as the best Transmog sets, cool appearances and collectibles, titles, features, customization and so much more.
All Professions
All recipes that were 150+ have been dropped to 150 opening up journeyman professions to the whole world of world of warcraft possibilities. Don’t worry though players can’t use gear over ilvl 33 or use items that require high level professions like bombs or OP game enders.
Max 225 Cooking
Level 25 food and under has been dropped for cooks to be able to learn and have an edge and usefulness for the profession and time.
Dropped down cook-only foods: https://www.wowhead.com/wotlk/items/min-req-level:18/max-req-level:30?filter=86;3;0
First Aid
Max 300 First Aid
Band-Aids up to skill level 300 can be obtained and used.
Max 450 Fishing
Should be able to do all the fishing events world wide.
Primary (Max 2 per toon)
All Primaries
Max 150 in exception for gathering, they max at 225.
Can learn their profession’s recipes above 150, all have been capped or reduced at 150. Nothing high level or over-powered should be useable at all. Higher level gear can be transmogged or disenchanted for materials.
Mining nodes & Herbs over 225 have been dropped down to 225 for gathering and making recipes that previously would have required higher skill to obtain, but now since 225 is the max that is the max.
Can disenchant all items past 150 @ 150, also enchanters can perform all of the enchants for a twink that they your mains would have in retail making enchanters super viable source for finding weapon enchants and can give you what you would really want like; fiery, icy, weapon damage, etc. The only other way to get weapon enchants is the Gurubashi chest making enchanting very useful to learn and progress in.
Engineering & Tailoring
Mount recipes can be learned and made and used at level 19. Ground & Flying.
Engineers can craft themselves arrows and bullets level 25 when they farm the required mats in Northrend giving engineering another perk of choosing the profession for better damage output then ordinary ammo from trade vendors. Your hardwork has paid off a pinch, as has other professions.
All recipes that were 150+ have been dropped to 150 opening up journeyman professions to the whole world of world of warcraft possibilities. Don’t worry though players can’t use gear over ilvl 33 or use items that require high level professions like bombs or OP game enders.
Max 225 Cooking
Level 25 food and under has been dropped for cooks to be able to learn and have an edge and usefulness for the profession and time.
Dropped down cook-only foods: https://www.wowhead.com/wotlk/items/min-req-level:18/max-req-level:30?filter=86;3;0
First Aid
Max 300 First Aid
Band-Aids up to skill level 300 can be obtained and used.
Max 450 Fishing
Should be able to do all the fishing events world wide.
Primary (Max 2 per toon)
All Primaries
Max 150 in exception for gathering, they max at 225.
Can learn their profession’s recipes above 150, all have been capped or reduced at 150. Nothing high level or over-powered should be useable at all. Higher level gear can be transmogged or disenchanted for materials.
Mining nodes & Herbs over 225 have been dropped down to 225 for gathering and making recipes that previously would have required higher skill to obtain, but now since 225 is the max that is the max.
Can disenchant all items past 150 @ 150, also enchanters can perform all of the enchants for a twink that they your mains would have in retail making enchanters super viable source for finding weapon enchants and can give you what you would really want like; fiery, icy, weapon damage, etc. The only other way to get weapon enchants is the Gurubashi chest making enchanting very useful to learn and progress in.
Engineering & Tailoring
Mount recipes can be learned and made and used at level 19. Ground & Flying.
Engineers can craft themselves arrows and bullets level 25 when they farm the required mats in Northrend giving engineering another perk of choosing the profession for better damage output then ordinary ammo from trade vendors. Your hardwork has paid off a pinch, as has other professions.
NPCs & Creatures
All Mobs
Increased HP & DMG according to NPC’s rank(Elite, rare, boss, regular, etc)
Rare Mobs
There are over 487 Rares to find that give player an awarding feeling for slaying that incredibly hard rare they come across and now get a 100% chance at a gamble for a BIS rare item and as well for a shot at a collectible mount, pet, or toy from other bags that have a 50% chance of dropping. That’s a lot of rares, and a lot of reasons to go hunting at 19. Say no more.
Increased HP & DMG according to NPC’s rank(Elite, rare, boss, regular, etc)
Rare Mobs
There are over 487 Rares to find that give player an awarding feeling for slaying that incredibly hard rare they come across and now get a 100% chance at a gamble for a BIS rare item and as well for a shot at a collectible mount, pet, or toy from other bags that have a 50% chance of dropping. That’s a lot of rares, and a lot of reasons to go hunting at 19. Say no more.
Gurubashi Arena Chest
Spawns every hour
Before you’re alarmed the Arena Master drop rate is 66% making it almost every chest since there are more chest spawns in a given day than before. It still requires 12 per AGM so happy AGM hunting!
Chest always drop Twink Tokens.
Chest drops armor/weapon enchants and glyphs.
Chest drops mounts/pets/toys/transmogs.
Chest has over 2000 possibilities from uncommon to rare.
Stranglethorn Fishing Derby
Happens every 6 hours @ 2 & 8 Realm Time lasting for 90 minutes.
1v1, 2v2, 3v3, 5v5 Arena Systems, all with separate ratings by bracket and fully functional! Players queuing send an alert to server that they are looking for a match, increasing the likelihood of someone coming to take your challenge!
Warsong Gulch, Right now it only takes 6 players to trigger Warsong Gulch and the cap on teams is set to 5v5 currently until populations rise more consistently throughout the whole day.
More Events to be released!!!
Spawns every hour
Before you’re alarmed the Arena Master drop rate is 66% making it almost every chest since there are more chest spawns in a given day than before. It still requires 12 per AGM so happy AGM hunting!
Chest always drop Twink Tokens.
Chest drops armor/weapon enchants and glyphs.
Chest drops mounts/pets/toys/transmogs.
Chest has over 2000 possibilities from uncommon to rare.
Stranglethorn Fishing Derby
Happens every 6 hours @ 2 & 8 Realm Time lasting for 90 minutes.
1v1, 2v2, 3v3, 5v5 Arena Systems, all with separate ratings by bracket and fully functional! Players queuing send an alert to server that they are looking for a match, increasing the likelihood of someone coming to take your challenge!
Warsong Gulch, Right now it only takes 6 players to trigger Warsong Gulch and the cap on teams is set to 5v5 currently until populations rise more consistently throughout the whole day.
More Events to be released!!!
Dungeons/Finder & Raids
There are 6 Dungeons players can run for finding their upgrades
Ragefire Chasm
Wailing Caverns
Blackfathom Deep
The rest of the dungeons and raids in the game can be completed for achievements, quests, professions, and Transmog adventurers, as well as joyriders and loot bag seekers.
All Dungeons are available under the Dungeon Finder, players can queue and find a quick tele to their dungeon. There may be issues with the requeuing, might have to drop group after each run and regroup but the teleporting in and out does work smoothly.
Random Dungeon Selections have been updated to reflect 19 Twink life.
Ragefire Chasm
Wailing Caverns
Blackfathom Deep
The rest of the dungeons and raids in the game can be completed for achievements, quests, professions, and Transmog adventurers, as well as joyriders and loot bag seekers.
All Dungeons are available under the Dungeon Finder, players can queue and find a quick tele to their dungeon. There may be issues with the requeuing, might have to drop group after each run and regroup but the teleporting in and out does work smoothly.
Random Dungeon Selections have been updated to reflect 19 Twink life.
All quests max out at 19, opening the whole world for questing.
Quest reward money has been appropriated for quests that were greater than 19.
All Quests reward Twink Tokens.
Level 10 and under quests reward Leveler Satchel bags.
Quest reward money has been appropriated for quests that were greater than 19.
All Quests reward Twink Tokens.
Level 10 and under quests reward Leveler Satchel bags.
Try Us Out Today!!
Our Website & Discord Information:
Create Accounts & Our Discord: https://titans-league.org | https://discord.gg/JGDCmacn7q
Realm requires a patch (it is small): https://titans-league.org/static/downloads/rtg/Patch-5.mpq
How to Connect: https://titans-league.org/page/connect
Return to Glory Level 19 Twink Realm
Our Website & Discord Information:
Create Accounts & Our Discord: https://titans-league.org | https://discord.gg/JGDCmacn7q
Realm requires a patch (it is small): https://titans-league.org/static/downloads/rtg/Patch-5.mpq
How to Connect: https://titans-league.org/page/connect
Return to Glory Level 19 Twink Realm
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