Resto Druid?


Anyone know of/have a BiS resto druid who can post a link of an armory or something along those lines? I have been focusing on my rogue, and neglected my resto druid and thought I'd start workin on him :).
Okay yea that was helpful ty! Quick question though as I read it, so is haste really viable and perferred at that (considering it says 10 haste is better then 16 sp to gloves)?
Do I use it? No.

Do others use it? Yes. Some Do.

Should you try it out? Sure, it couldn't hurt.

Is it the best? That's based on the person who's playing the druid.
druids can be played in many ways, so can most healers and since theres no "best" gear for a 19 you can kinda pick out what you want. Ofcourse somestuff is better than otheres but u can mess around with different stats which is something i like.
u can max int in other areas and depending on if u have boas haste on gloves with troll racial could be like for a "oh shit" moment. I use it on my feral druids gloves with 20 haste to weapons as a burst along with lifebloom when going for a kill. As for a resto haste is beast, if u get a good balance of int/spirit haste would actully be more valueble.troll racial+lifeblood=fast heals. but again it is all on how u play. i just prefer haste becuase there are so many stuns and such makes it harder to be interrupted
Bragh is sorta "BiS" just need to update my bracers and weapon. :)

And get 5 stam 6 int ring ;) And get my gloves enchanted.

And change the enchant on my chest to +6 all stats, and change Cloak to The Sachel one. :p

Woah, much to do on my lovecharacter :O
haste rating on gloves provides more healing per second than 16sp does with rejuv and it lowers you cast time on healing touch which is much more important than increasing its throughput, i consdier 10haste > 16 sp.

When it comes to BiS gear i would argue that there is usually one item that is superior to others, but the distinction between BiS and second best is quite vague at times. You could armory my druid if you like, but it isnt perfect atm, Ive been slightly neglecting it (I'm ashamed) recently due to rl being a bit hectic and playing my 85 ingame.
Hi community,

hi Kore,

first I like to say hello to everyone, I'm from Germany and playing wow since december 2005, mostly pvp. I'm looking at this forum since a long time and before that, I was looking around at (aka and

It's very informative here and I like the idea of low level twinking since years.

However, sorry for some bad "german-english" grammar, I'll do my very best 8)

BoT: Kore what's the name your druid toon, like to have a view at your armory :)
Here's my druid

Korette @ Draenor - Game - World of Warcraft

She's wearing 5 grandfathered items through, her trinket should be the BoA one and her shoulders should be Lasting Feralheart. Also the cloak and glove enchants need changing too. I'll get round to re-perfecting her sometime, probably when my student loan comes through and i can afford the xfer for more BoAs :)
Oh yes! Stick with Wcer, my finished gear will look almost identical with his! Though, I might go down the path of having balance pieces in my gearset :S

The reasoning behind that, is strictly classified and exists purely in my head, and do not have any math/tests/statistics to back it up! But I thought it would be worth testing out! Yup :)
Kore nametooshort said:
Here's my druid

Korette @ Draenor - Game - World of Warcraft

She's wearing 5 grandfathered items through, her trinket should be the BoA one and her shoulders should be Lasting Feralheart. Also the cloak and glove enchants need changing too. I'll get round to re-perfecting her sometime, probably when my student loan comes through and i can afford the xfer for more BoAs :)

Love the gear, but why dont you have 10 haste on gloves :eek:?
As a restro druid, you should have atleast 3 different healing gear set.

One Set Purely Stam/Int/SP Stacking. This set can be used when traveling through midfield when your FC is most likely going to be hit the hardest. You shouldn't have a LOT of spirit in this set. Suggest SP - 200+

Spirit Stacking Set. This set can be used when your either not healing or well you have a well formed D(2 heals, 1 DPS, and FC) and your about to get hit hard with a big INC(aka, your preparing for a long fight) also, this set is useful for when your kiting with the FC as well. Suggest SP - 190+

Hit Rating Set - I use this set from time to time when I am playing as an Offensive Healer. I use the same Stam/Int/SP Set except I use my aquarius belt and spider silk cape. Usually if your ever in game with me, you'll use me keep my Rejuvenations up on O while throwing roots and spamming moonfire to help DPS/CC the D team. Suggested SP - 190+

Hybrid Set(Feral) - This set I am still working on. I will be using this set when I am on D but there are no DPS helping the FC stay alive. I use the Embrace of the Viper Item Set that drops from WC. Basically I take advantage of the 20 Int the gear offers while using the same gear from my Hit Rating Set but I swap out the belt, feet, gloves, leggings, and chest from the Embrace of the Viper set. I still use my healing enchantments but lately I've been wanting to experiment with this set while using This Talent Tree. What this allows me to do is still increase my healing done and I get an extra 4% crit chance while in cat form. I can easily make it look like I am a feral druid but I am still in restro gear. The only downside to this set is you lose about 200 mana, SP, but you gain about 200 health which can be very useful. And on top of that, you gain tons of dodge, crit, and AP while in cat form which infact would help your FC survive by DPSing and if he ever gets low on health, you can still heal him since your in a Hybrid set. Also, I'd use the PvP neck that gives u agi. Suggested SP - 185+

Another thing I would like the add, Any Restro druid that tries to gear like another restro druid does; will most likely never do as good as the restro druid your trying to copy. You need to learn how to gear YOUR restro druid, not how to copy someone elses. Not everyone gears the same because not everyone plays the same. You need to know what gear makes YOU the BiS Druid, because guess what; the only person who is going to be playing your druid, is you. So you might as well gear him to your benefit, never gear him the way someone else thinks would work best.
Hey kore quick question, once horde win WG (if ever :*() i was gonna get the WG boa resil leather shoulders...but then I realized you are using the CLOTH boa WG resil shoulders? Whys that? (Or whoever can answer thsi question :))

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