Resto Drood


Hey guys,

I just want some constructive criticism on my resto druid set up and what u think of my play style (if u have played with or against me). I always want to try and get better. Here is teh armory link The World of Warcraft Armory


(Disclaimer: I'm going by the numbers on this -- I have no actual experience as a druid healer.)

Arsna, that's a good spellpower build, though low on health. You might get away with low health if you stay mobile and on the outskirts of battle; your choice of the regrowth glyph over the rejuvenation glyph tells me you prefer to "plant and heal". However, Regrowth averages about 60% of the healing throughput of Healing Touch, unglyphed and glyphed (actual numbers are in the thread following Vinod's 29 druid guide), so you'll want to keep your playstyle very disciplined.

For you to be effective with the Regrowth glyph, you'll want to concentrate your healing on two or three targets at most, and you'll need to keep opponents off of you so you have time to heal. Even a glyphed Healing Touch clocks in with a 1.5 second cast time, compared the 2.0 second cast time of Regrowth -- you're at a greater risk to be caught, and your low health makes that dangerous.

Certainly, this playstyle can be done. As TLA4lyf pointed out, Zomgbalance has similar gearing to you including the low health, and chose the glyph of healing touch. If you take a "heal, kite, heal, kite" approach, your glyph choice make work for you. If you would like to heal a greater variety of teammates, consider the glyph of healing touch, and if you would like more mobility, you may get more utility from a glyph of rejuvenation with such a high spellpower build.

Finally, if you find you're a tad short on health, consider the [ITEM]Raptor Hunter Tunic[/ITEM] with the +150 health enchantment. You have a very nice BoA chest, but the tunic is the single biggest stamina boost you can do for your character in one slot, that it may be worth losing 7 INT and the 12 spell power to get the 14 STA (20 STA in your case, since you used the +4 all stats enchant on your BoA chest). That's a 15% boost for your health, for a 7% loss of spell power which translates just over a 1.5% loss of healing with your current build.

I think my concluding remark is that if your playstyle matches your gear and glyph choice, you have a very interesting, fun druid on your hands. Otherwise, you might not find much utility out of the regrowth glyph.

hmm, tbh, you seem to not completely use your druids gear to the full potential. I would really think about getting more leather pieces into your set then the 2 you have at this moment. Since this will help a lot versus all the melee based dmg. (BoA shoulders, chest and 7/7 leather gloves (they are more common then the cloth once and even 7/6 like the nightsky can be found with regular AH checks.) Maybe consider the gnomish boots with mp5 on them instead of the acid walkers). Part of me is inclined to think that besides being mobile another strong point of a druid is its possibilty to regen.

The health point that Bwappo mentioned is not really needed, like he also states; if you play mobile you won't get into any problem.

And just rejuv+regrowth work perfect, if that is how you play then keep it up. tho you could glyph for healing touch ofc, I would still prefer just the doable hot over being a extra class that spams heals on a cast time. (aka not be a new shammy). that's personal flavor ofc...
jep, get leather.

shoulders/chest got same stats + the armor.

having the [item]Raptor Hunter Tunic[/item] in your bags is a reall good addition.

for gloves [item]Razzeric's Racing Grips[/item] with 20SP is also possible.

i dont get the point of not using [item]Defiler's Lizardhide Boots[/item]. havin additional [item]Gnomebot Operating Boots[/item] is not a bad idea.

with some leather in other slots you can now think about [item]Ghamoo-ra's Bind[/item]... at least get one to carry round in your bags^^

for a lil more stam/mp5 [item]Spidertank Oilrag[/item] is a good choice. or try your luck on [item]Emissary Cuffs[/item] eagle/healing.

AND be sure to have [item]Aquarius Belt[/item] for the on use heal.

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