Removing WOTLK and making a Paladin

So basicly I got tired of the current end-game atm. And I've decided to level my 47 Paladin to level 70 - and get WOTLK removed.

Im wondering what a good ret PvP - and PvE spec would be. I am somewhat experinced with Paladins, but obviously not enough.

Should i just go full S4, with Guardian offset pieces?

What should my professions be? Currently i have Enchanting, and Engineering.

- Splenda
faceroll & faceroll. pvp against levelers and pve the same farm content every week. enjoy!
Don't pay any attention to Falkor whatsoever, or any others for that matter who post the same. For the record I will call his bluff by revealing that Sunwell/Brutal gear from BC is only moderately better than entry-level WotLK gear. All dungeon gear in Northrend starts at ilevel 155 and up, just under the quality of Sunwell/Brutal gear. So at best, you are putting yourself on Par with the upper levels who will try to gank you, assuming you are an easy kill. There are many factors stacked in favor of the levelers, so facerolling simply does not happen as many players claim. Instead, you are placing yourself in a pvp environment that has nearly all of the same options as level 80s, but without the endless race for gear (that currently favors PvE content of all things as it stands at the time of this post). Most players are very skilled in their class by the time they reach the 70's bracket, and many of them are very experienced in PvP as well. All players do not magically become noble and equally geared at level 80, as many of the same posters imply. 70's pvp very closely resembles 80's, however it gives players more freedom to experiment with different gearing/class combos in their play style. Arena PvP in this bracket contains a balance of players from the whole spectrum of gearscores. With no rating requirements for gear, obtaining a quality set of PvP gear is much easier and less time consuming than at level 80. Level 80 arena is not magically different from this either, you're just as likely to be teamed up against crazy geared players in 70's Arenas and BGs as you would at level 80. I am actually experienced with this, so don't believe the false assumptions that others go spewing about.

Shortened Version: The above poster's claims are COMPLETELY false, and 70s PvP offers are much more relaxed environment where you don't have to worry about endlessly grinding gear.


Okay, enough of that. Splenda! When deciding the Best in Slots for your class, it can be different for each spec and even individual items when deciding between T6.5 or Brutal Gladiator gear. The stats are likely very close, and usually the tradeoffs are between stats like haste vs. mp5. Also, the number/quality of the gem slots plays into account as well. General rule of thumb is that Brutal is best, but it's much easier to get SWP gear. You won't epic fail if you aren't in full Brutal, because many players such as myself are in the same boat as you. So while you are leveling, research/experiment which stats will be most beneficial for your class/playstyle. As a resto druid, haste is more useful than crit rating because most of my heals are done over time. PvE gear generally has more of a stat like intellect, which is less useful in a PvP context because you die a lot, and/or kill your opponents quickly, making large mana pools less useful.

As for professions, stick with what you have. They are the two best professions you can have as a twink. When I downgraded my account, I kept all of my items/skills from WotLK and could still use them. The WotLK engineering trinkets and item enchants that come with it are the best you can have for PvP purposes at level 70. Enchanting offers great ring enchants, as well as great money from the many items you will be getting from your raids (if you are able to do SWP regularly). Plus, you'll likely be getting lots of the reputation recipes that many players don't take the time to get anymore, further increasing your profit margins.
Thanks for you're useful post.

I think i will be able to do SWP regularly, if i find myself a guild.

So what you are saying is, that if i level my engineering to 450, learning all the Dalaran recipes - i can still use them when i downgrade my account?
i barely read your post dietz. but t6/6.5 is in no way equal to entry wotlk gear. i just lvled all the way to 80 in t.6/6.5 and didnt find a single upgrade questing or doing dungeons until 80. (actually i UG my brutallas offhand at lvl 78 - from a dungeon, but close enuff). the people you will pvp will generally not be concerned with pvp - read not skilled or geared - only with getting xp. in general bgs you will also have to account for the 9 level difference when trying to hit players..isnt that bad in t6 which is loaded with hit but idk about the pvp gears. av could be fun but again most will be low lvl, bad geared, unskilled players. in arena you might find 1-2 teams that are competitive but thats it.

now for pve....what i found boring was all the farm content. most guilds DO NOT do t4 or 5 raids (or even hyjal for that matter -some t6). from my exp they schedule bt and sw - and not always w/o 80s - and then randomly throughout the week they'll do hyjal or ssc at the least if there's enough interest - again sometimes with 80s. so youll jump right into the best gear possible, no gearing up, no real experience of the old days, nothin. and then for the rest of your existance you get to farm the same instances while getting no real gear/rewards.

i used to love my 70 twink but then i got insanely tired of the grind. and then 3.2 hit and pvp died. just let my twink decay and decay until i finally decided to level him to farm frost for saronite aka gold. i went 70-80 (not bragging, i know its not a speed record or anything...but it was a personal best) in 5 days, got no ugs, and i was 2-3 shotting mobs the whole time. t6 is far and away superior to anything you find in wotlk while lvling. so powerful that from 70-76 i did not train skills and had no trouble blowing shit up. then from 76-80 i didnt train again either. i hit 80, jumped right into heroics and was pulling 2-2.5k dps...retardedly op imo. funny how people recommend going aff or demo for leveling but as destro i was blowing shit up so fast but still had no downtime. made my life a breeze.
sunwell gear ilevel 141-164. Wotlk gear ilevel (that got req 70 or bellow) 130-159. Thats pretty close...
oh wow...the ilevel is close!!!111!1! you and dietz are morons. ilvl only means so much. too bad the ITEMIZATION of wotlk leveling gear SUCKS ASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS compared to t6/6.5/pvp gear. was that big/long enough to force through your brains?

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