Remembering why we do what we do (videos?)

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So today I was thinking and I did a little search on youtube and I started to notice - You type in twink and click on recent videos and they all seem to be either xp on or with desclimers saying "not twink"

Now idk about you but nothing gets me in the mood for a bit of 19 PvP like watching fellow twinks battle it out.

I relised with the removal of 19 skirmish PvP isnt really what it used to be, but that shouldnt stop us :) imo PvP is only the half of twinking - The tabards, The community, the general "gearing" in my eyes, My twink will never be finished and im happy of that.

But I put this as a plea to all to dust of your favourite active screen recorder and make a vid - The videos section in here is dead, And its only us that can fix that.

Im hoping to start a PvP vid soon and I think it would be really cool to be able to view all you guys PvPing and see first hand what the other classes bring to the table. I realise that there alot of people ready to troll and put you down, But no matter what you a video concerns you get them people. Because this is the internet lol.

Hope this can inspire some people :')
m8, i would like to take a moment, to kiss your balls. this idea is hands down, brilliant.
i have played with slowed, nice experience, seeing a fellah with the same gear as yourself. just downloaded fraps, will make a vid. later =)o

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