RealID Thoughts and Concerns iit

World of Warcraft - English (NA) Forums -> Update: Upcoming Changes to Forums

there is the official thread. several new posts per refresh. someone also made an epic picture

It's pretty stupid.

I don't know what else to say. I never posted on the forums really anyways unless i mad.

Edit: It jsut occured to me, that this is the beginning of face book being brought onto the forums.

"did you like this post?" "share this post on face book!" "track this thread using face book!"
McBankington said:
It's pretty stupid.

I don't know what else to say. I never posted on the forums really anyways unless i mad.

Edit: It jsut occured to me, that this is the beginning of face book being brought onto the forums.

"did you like this post?" "share this post on face book!" "track this thread using face book!"

i know rite. blizerd is gay an stuf and they think they can have it good an it will happen fine pigs
That is an awesome picture. I made sure to leave a comment on that post, nothing much but hopefully it will help a little.
not that ive posted on official forums in ages....but this is fucking retarded.

there are much easier ways to try and get rid of trolling. like just having you post on a main for instance.

not that this or my idea would curtail real trolls. just the fake trolls who NEED to hide behind a lvl 1.

giving out real 1st and last names on forums is just a horrible idea and nothing good can come from it.
Yeah i totally agree, I mean the threat of identity theft is so extreme these days when anyone writes me a letter I make sure they address it to my alias "King Optimus Caesar III".

Seriosly, this is just another case of people getting bent out of shape over nothing, its your goddamn name for crying out loud who gives a shit. Its no more a security risk than someone being able to google you or look you up on facebook (OMG FACEBOOK INADVERTANTLY SUPPORTS TERRORISM!!!!).

Its like any RL law, the only people it pisses off are the ones who were breaking it to begin with. The only people this really has any effect on IS the trolls and the abusers, and anyone truly unfortunate enough to have the name Steven Cumface.

Oh and my name is Matt Stokes, gogo steal my passport.
I don't think I've ever trolled on a level 1 alt or broken any forum rules, and I don't particularly like it. Just sayin.
Ardent said:
Seriosly, this is just another case of people getting bent out of shape over nothing, its your goddamn name for crying out loud who gives a shit. Its no more a security risk than someone being able to google you or look you up on facebook (OMG FACEBOOK INADVERTANTLY SUPPORTS TERRORISM!!!!).

yes its my name. and i dont want it everywhere on the internet especially on a wow board filled with a buncha weirdos. why cant my character's persona suffice? and no, it wont curtail real trolls b/c real trolls dgaf (read: dont give a fuck) and will still post whatever they want. its the pussy ones that need the anon. and who cares if they're gone. if blizz cant moderate their forums that doesnt mean WE need to be punished by having personal info revealed.

there is also a lot that can be revealed with a first and last name as shown in a thread Taitaih linked where the Blue posted his name and all of a sudden his address, phone number, and family members were online. now imagine anyone wished to annoy the fuck out of him or cause him/his family harm. now they have the means to do so.

Ardent said:
Its like any RL law, the only people it pisses off are the ones who were breaking it to begin with. The only people this really has any effect on IS the trolls and the abusers, and anyone truly unfortunate enough to have the name Steven Cumface.

that is so incredibly not true. RL laws piss off a lot more people than the ones breaking it. give me liberty or give me death cock sucker. "Those who would give up Essential Liberty to purchase a little Temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety" - ben franklin aka 'Those Who Sacrifice Liberty For Security Deserve Neither'. if you give up the freedom of personal privacy to avoid a few trolls, you dont deserve to have either. just go jump off a bridge. same with airport security...but fuck this large govt anyways, stupid fdr ruined everything.

aside from that aspect, you do raise a valid point about people with unfortunate names. which will then be harrassed and trolled. which means this solved nothing.

Ardent said:
Oh and my name is Matt Stokes, gogo steal my passport.

im sure anyone with sufficient time and interest could find who you are, where you live, and physically steal your passport. or they could just murder you.
Ardent said:
Oh and my name is Matt Stokes, gogo steal my passport.

Matthew Nancy Stokes :)

Personal freedom sacrificing liberty? You signed off on that when you agreed to the EULAS at install and every patch. Your characters pixels aren't even your own - you're renting them from Blizzard.

Aside from (mostly internal) advertising revenue on the bgforums, the forums are a money sink to blizzard. They CBA moderating them and don't care if posts drop by 50% after the realid change.

For anyone else running a large forum as a business this would be suicide - I work for a financial company that runs forums with 50k+ posts a day, If we forced our userbase to display full names on posts we would be out of business in less than a year.

I assume accounts with parental control options ENABLED won't be able to post on the forums at all?
Yo, this is the story all about how

My Real ID made some shit go down

I'd like to take a moment, just listen to me

And I'll tell you all about how Blizz took my privacy

In West Elwynn Forest, born and raised

Adventurin' is how I spent most of my days

Questin', groupin', craftin' my gear

Grindin' Ashen Verdict rep up to Revered

When a guy named Robert Kotick, up to no good

Did somethin' nobody understood

He showed up on the forums, said we'd use our real names

And that "Now everyone who googles you will know you play our game."

I whistled for a blue and when he came near

He said they'd been plannin' Real ID for over a year

I said bein' stalked and fucked up wouldn't be funny


I went to my account and canceled all my data

And I yelled to Bobby Kotick, "Yo holmes, smell ya lata!"

I looked back at an Azeroth with no security

And thought 'Goodbye WoW, I'll keep my obscurity.
taniwha said:
Matthew Nancy Stokes :)

lawl nancy

taniwha said:
Personal freedom sacrificing liberty? You signed off on that when you agreed to the EULAS at install and every patch. Your characters pixels aren't even your own - you're renting them from Blizzard.

i cba to read the eula but i doubt we've been clicking our privacy rights away all these years. please feel free to show me where in the eula is says we give the right to have our personal info used in the interwebs

taniwha said:
Aside from (mostly internal) advertising revenue on the bgforums, the forums are a money sink to blizzard. They CBA moderating them and don't care if posts drop by 50% after the realid change.

oh wow, a money sink. oh noesssssssss. they only make almost 200 million A MONTH off all of us. how dare they hire moderators (or just have current employees get another job title)! or hell....dont use mods. never quite seen the point of a mod anyways

taniwha said:
For anyone else running a large forum as a business this would be suicide - I work for a financial company that runs forums with 50k+ posts a day, If we forced our userbase to display full names on posts we would be out of business in less than a year.

k so what exactly is your stance on this matter.

taniwha said:
I assume accounts with parental control options ENABLED won't be able to post on the forums at all?

? i 1st started playing as a minor and idk what parental control options that wouldnt work too well. plus a kid could lie about their age like the current system with the drag down age selection menu's....blizz would still be at fault even if the minor lied imo
encorebroz said:

I don't give as hit as long as I get D3. They can die all they want, even if they do end out killing and we have to play it Lan or single player I'll still be playin' D3 10 years from now, unless D4 comes out, or a new replacement.

Edit: I just stumbled apon a pretty cute thread.

Re. the eula privacy comments - Blizzards legal division will have done their homework on this.

Blizz don't wipe their arse without getting legal advice, always err on the side of caution and often customise wow in different regions to avoid potential legal issues, - e.g. removing the animal related event quests (for brewmaster? can't remember) in EU on legal advice to maintain their PG(13?) rating (ROFL)

I guess their take is that using the forums is voluntary... You can choose to reveal your name if you want to.

I'm dead against this change, its one of the stupidest decisions I've ever heard come out of a major game developer with a big user base. Justifying it with the TROLLS argument is bollocks. Trolls will be trolls. If Trolls are a problem then moderate. If trolls keep trolling then ban em, and ban em for longer periods or permanently.

What I thinks happened here is that Blizzard's legal bods are trying to reduce the risk of legal action as a result of someone's precious snowflake reading something about mommy penispooperfucking or something racist / terroristy etc in a troll thread.

Blizz dont want to hands on moderate the forums, Moderation costs money and the more they moderate the more 'common carrier' responsibility they take for the content on the forums.

The forums are a luxury item to wow players, and a necessary evil to blizzard, they cost more than they earn and will never be monetized.

By introducing REALID they reduce the potential for legal problems / costs and their hosting and staffing costs.

Reckon that blizzard will backtrack on this given the shitstorm and bad PR thats starting? they're even getting a mention in mainstream press now, WSJ etc. Can't have mommy reading her newspaper / watching the TV and finding out that her precious snowflakes privacy is at stake... ;)

If parental controls are ENABLED you won't be able to post on the new REALID forums.

Nancylols :) Did some more snooping and found out that Mathew Nancy Stokes works at the "Rainbow Happy Funtime Sauna and Lounge", in Milton Keynes, UK. (Tuesday and Wednesday nights only).

It's always happy hour at the Rainbow Happy Funtime Sauna and Lounge.

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