RBG@70 FFA Teams! (For those who wants to do RBG for fun)


Level Capped - Owner
Hi there - EU -

If you are a player like me, without a big network and have no clue on how to get started on some RBG, then here is the deal for you!

Everyone who is intrested of doing RBG for fun add me on real ID: [removed]

The whole idea of this is

For me to get alooooooot of friends on real ID and whenever theres, let's say 20 people online all willing to do some RBG, I will randomly setup two teams. Fight after fight we will ofcourse balance teams :)

I hope this made sence to you all and I hope to see you on my friend list soon :)

// Linguster
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good idea but I would advice you to try getting decent setup (inb4 stack mages) and have some good tactics otherwise you will end up with a bad reputation and people won't be willin to play with you.
Ofcourse if theres 8 mages willing to play, 4 will go to one team and 4 to the other :)
Ofcourse I expect that people show up "twinked". This is twinkinfo you know ;)

- that my real ID is soon full. Add me quickly if you want to be a part of this!

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