Rate the twink above you.


No criticizing without it being constructive.

Must post a link of your armory at the end or make sure it's in your signature.

Try and be nice, not everyone will have the greatest gear.

Here's my holy set that I logged out in. I also have a ret and a flag carrying set. Items I am still working on getting are the AGM as well as the PVP trinket as well as the healing BoA shoulders and maybe the BoA spell power trinket.

Here's a screenshot of the tank gear and as many buffs as I could get last night.


From a quick glance that i see he looks pretty good, need Agm... but overall not bad. I think that it should be just natural though (no buffs) as that would be the average hp you would run with.
Very nice, lucky to get Shadowfang :) you could use some BoA shoulders, other than that a prefect twink. 9.5/10.
Ramune said:
Very nice, lucky to get Shadowfang :) you could use some BoA shoulders, other than that a prefect twink. 9.5/10.

Well you have some Gear Peices/Enchants that are questionable, but I suppose that's what benefits your playstyle.

You're missing 225 Professions (and Skinning>Mining imo),[ITEM]44097[/ITEM] and [ITEM]42946[/ITEM]



I challenge you to find someone wrong with my perfect 19 Priest!!

Edit: I'm currently in my Defensive Healing Premade set (and ofcourse I have 3 staffs that I rotate).
Rip, you has noes unique reputat0ns t4bard or ep1x tabard, nub!. Nah your priest looks more or less about perfect.

Feel free to rate my rogue; [char=eu-Dunemaul]Torious[/char]

EDIT: Just noticed that my BoAs are not on my rogue.
Boglund, your twink is not bad though still missing a few things like BoA shoulder (apparently you have them so no - point for that), fishing head and shadowfang. Though you have AGM which is a big plus for you. 8.5/10 if you ask me.


Somethings about rogue: I have both BoA shoulder the one I have equiped and the one from WG with Agi and res (I use them in case I have to be a flag carrier as they have more stam). And I also have a Wingblade in my bag as a offhand but just testing out the thrash blade at the moment which does nicely if you ask me. And I know I still miss AGM :(

Edit: I just though my spec might look weird. But with 2 points in precision I am hit capped so I had one point to spend else where and used that for another % of hit.
Sorry I cannot rate/link mine atm, I am on a retarded computer at work, but I feel if your posting a SS then it should be buff free.
Trespasser said:
Boglund, your twink is not bad though still missing a few things like BoA shoulder (apparently you have them so no - point for that), fishing head and shadowfang. Though you have AGM which is a big plus for you. 8.5/10 if you ask me.


Somethings about rogue: I have both BoA shoulder the one I have equiped and the one from WG with Agi and res (I use them in case I have to be a flag carrier as they have more stam). And I also have a Wingblade in my bag as a offhand but just testing out the thrash blade at the moment which does nicely if you ask me. And I know I still miss AGM :(

Edit: I just though my spec might look weird. But with 2 points in precision I am hit capped so I had one point to spend else where and used that for another % of hit.

Very good, your just missing AGM to be perfect imo. 9.5 / 10

Here my twink:


I also have Twisted Chanter's with 25Agi in my bags. No I don't have fishing hat (Im so flipping unlucky)

Twinkytoes said:
Very good, your just missing AGM to be perfect imo. 9.5 / 10

Here my twink:


I also have Twisted Chanter's with 25Agi in my bags. No I don't have fishing hat (Im so flipping unlucky)


Looks near perfect, just missing 225 prof, and fishing hat like you said.
Twinkytoes said:
Very good, your just missing AGM to be perfect imo. 9.5 / 10

Here my twink:


I also have Twisted Chanter's with 25Agi in my bags. No I don't have fishing hat (Im so flipping unlucky)


Missing 225 professions, Lucky Fishing Hat, arguably better shoulders, better cloak (Sentry Cloak or Spidersilk Drape), would get a Tunic of Westfall, 3/3 Wrangler's Wristbands (stamina/intellect/agility, 2 of the 3), would put on the Twisted Chanter's Staff, get 16 armor on your legs and maybe a second AGM.

Might seem a bit harsh but you honestly have a pretty nice twink there.

Click my only twink in the list to the left to rate my rogue, imo I'm only missing 225 professions.
Twinkytoes said:


fishing hat like you said

Scouting gloves of the falcon if you want to go int.

Maybe a Cruel Barb with 22int instead of nightwatch shortsword?

otherwise go Twisted Chanters with 22int

Get Spidersilk Drape to get hitcap

Rayu said:
Click my only twink in the list to the left to rate my rogue, imo I'm only missing 225 professions.

how does duel Lifestealing and the thrash blade work for you?

Is it a better PuG setup than dual fiery, or 1 fiery 1 15agi, or even 1 LS 1 15agi?

just wonderin.

rate mine!

here's what i think. i have no means for a shadowfang. BoA is on the way. I'll get wingblade when 3.2 hits. Spidersilk drape, i know. AGM, fishing hat. When i get hat, herb/skin 225

my main setup will be Cruel barb fiery, wingblade 15agi

Tailspike +5dmg, cruel barb 15agi for ambushes.
I'd say 8/10

You only have +3 stats to chest. Different spec then what I am used to seeing. Other then that, throat piercers, AGM, Different legs maybe with +armor. After fishing hat level both professions to 225 and you should be fine.

For my guy I just need to drop engineering for herb, and I have been trying to get an AGM now but alas I am still 0/12. I use +7 strength on Gloves for the shield block but I may go with +15 agility. Also trying to work out a good spec that I can use to both FC and Heal so I don't have to switch spec's all the time.
Rayu said:
Missing 225 professions, Lucky Fishing Hat, arguably better shoulders, better cloak (Sentry Cloak or Spidersilk Drape), would get a Tunic of Westfall, 3/3 Wrangler's Wristbands (stamina/intellect/agility, 2 of the 3), would put on the Twisted Chanter's Staff, get 16 armor on your legs and maybe a second AGM.

Might seem a bit harsh but you honestly have a pretty nice twink there.

Click my only twink in the list to the left to rate my rogue, imo I'm only missing 225 professions.

Let me explain :)

225 Proffs = too lazy

Lucky Fishing Hat = Unlucky

Better Shoulder's = I like my shoulder's tyvm

My cloak is the best for DPS.

I have tunic of westfall in bag

i have wrangler's bracers of power

thats about it :p
Insertgold said:
I'd say 8/10

You only have +3 stats to chest. Different spec then what I am used to seeing. Other then that, throat piercers, AGM, Different legs maybe with +armor. After fishing hat level both professions to 225 and you should be fine.

For my guy I just need to drop engineering for herb, and I have been trying to get an AGM now but alas I am still 0/12. I use +7 strength on Gloves for the shield block but I may go with +15 agility. Also trying to work out a good spec that I can use to both FC and Heal so I don't have to switch spec's all the time.

i just realized it has me in the armory in my DPS set :p

i have 5/5 monkey legs, waiting on fang legs and boots till 3.2
My 16 Rogue.

450 Professions; Not going to relevel or downgrade them.

BoA; Haven't got them yet, 80 Rogue's on another account.
Damn for a lvl 16 your sick!

almost 22% crit

sad to say i dont see anything that i would change, not an expert n 16 twinks lol.

My hunter

working on 225 herbing atm

have a TCS with 22int in bags

Croe said:
Damn for a lvl 16 your sick!

almost 22% crit

sad to say i dont see anything that i would change, not an expert n 16 twinks lol.

My hunter

working on 225 herbing atm

have a TCS with 22int in bags


I personally would go for a little more mana. Eagle or Falcon gear with your spec, and pick up the 11 hit rating, othen then that it looks pretty decent. 7/10, oh, also finish to 225
Nice twink. I'd take Thief's Blade over WSG dagger if it was mine, but I'm not gonna downgrade you on that. That's your choice. I give it 10/10 actually. Fishing hat, AGM, 2 proffesions at 225. And you choose an insignia of the alliance over another AGM. That is nice! Oh and SELL ME YOUR BRACERS!

The World of Warcraft Armory

Here's mine. I got 5xArena trinkets atm, but my schedule is tight, so I can usually only go around 21:00... not the best of times.

Fishing each week but no luck. I choose mining over herbalism, 'cos it seems to scare other hunters off fighting me when I got more HP than them.


whitekush said:
lithdk, nice twink.

you're right, you do need an AGM, and a fishing hat, but those do take time.

course you're a BoA hunter, not too sure how the gun helps all that much, but looks good so far - props.


Dwarf! hunter! ^^ 1% crit from gun.

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