Rate my PvE gear *Warrior*


First post ever, yeeey :cool:

Hi guys!

I would like you guys to rate my Warrior and give me constructive criticism/feedback so i can become the most uber PvE dps warrior of all time!

70 Warrior, SmF fury PvE - Zlatan @ Dragonmaw - Game Guide - World of Warcraft

What can improve in all categories? If there's any :p

What i know myself is: Professions boost (ring enchants etc), meta socket (the 1 i want dont exist on my server lol) + enchant on shoulders n head and instead of Band of devastation (the ring) which should be the stormrage ring from BT

Best regards,

hehe, as i wrote in topic ;) but i guess you noticed when u edit.. btw, just got Rivendare's mount.. fuck yeah, no more stratholme ;-D
Get Meta
Exalted with aldor
Revered with cenarion expedition
Get Swp thrown and ull have soft hit cap (2 20 str is shiny, but not bis :)) on 85 i went for 14% hit as smf, so dont neglect hit with alot of auto hits.
Also slam arms>tg/smf.
Even if u have glaives. and if u wanna stay smf. get jaeden fist/trash swp fist. (that is if u wanna be the best dps warr/and frankly glaives is old by now :>)
But Apolyn/arms>smf or TG
Kinda dont need the exp trinket if u dont go for cap. then u gain more on a ap trink. /425 engineer lightning generator is awesum as any class stat wise.
And then it's the engineering tinkers from hell, synapse/tazik : / if u decode to skill.

That's all i see could be better :)

//Otrolig the so far best warrior ;)
1. Get Meta
Yes, as soon as one pops up on AH or some respond on my trade chat spam..

2.Exalted with aldor

Yes, work in progress

3.Revered with cenarion expedition

Yes, work in progress

4. Get Swp thrown and ull have soft hit cap (2 20 str is shiny, but not bis ) on 85 i went for 14% hit as smf, so dont neglect hit with alot of auto hits

I got it actually, so it's superior vs. gun for hit cap?

5,Also slam arms>tg/smf

Really? i think SMF fury is really OP, my damage is fucking insane in Utgarde keeps etc (50 % + of the DPS is me in the group)

6.Even if u have glaives. and if u wanna stay smf. get jaeden fist/trash swp fist. (that is if u wanna be the best dps warr/and frankly glaives is old by now :>) But Apolyn/arms>smf or TG

you dont have glaives i guess :D think Glaives are superior with the haste procc which proccs very often + they are insane looking beasts<3 + i got the fists you talking about, still i vote glaives

7. Kinda dont need the exp trinket if u dont go for cap. then u gain more on a ap trink. /425 engineer lightning generator is awesum as any class stat wise.
And then it's the engineering tinkers from hell, synapse/tazik : / if u decode to skill.

That's actually something i been thinking about to change.. Going to level engineering soon ish. ATM im testing trinkets to see which one will fit me best..

I got the expertise trinket, Dragonspine throphy for insane haste (when glaives proccs etc, it's crazy), Tsunami 340 AP procc..
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As above but go Engi/JC. The extra 42 strength>equivalent of 40 haste over time for Lifeblood.

As you are JC, you can then go Hard Khorium Choker which is better than your current neck.

You could also go for the Engi trinket GLG and reforge to expertise then exchange one 20 str gem to 20 expertise to hit cap and also have more crit at the expense of a little strength (prob better overall dps over a decent length fight).
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As above but go Engi/JC. The extra 42 strength>equivalent of 40 haste over time for Lifeblood.

As you are JC, you can then go Hard Khorium Choker which is better than your current neck.

You could also go for the Engi trinket GLG and reforge to expertise then exchange one 20 str gem to 20 expertise to hit cap and also have more crit at the expense of a little strength (prob better overall dps over a decent length fight).

Jc and neck seems like a great idea, m8

70's cant reforge :( and i already got one 20 expertise gem on bracers, aren't im already expertise cap?
dual apolyon is far more superior to glaives, the OH damage is actually 95% dps loss comparatively, not only that, but haste is terrible for warriors so why would a haste proc make it good? either use dual fists or dual apolyons.

Haste is the worst stat for warriors on 85 simply becasue i cant get enough to make it worth,

On 70 it's actually on the same lvl as crit

But on the other hand u cant stack a cetain secondary stat on 70, BIS gear has crit/haste, My point is that haste isnt worthless :>

And Mrdoobry

Str will always be superior for warrior on any lvl :) no doubt about that at all.

And Zlatan

Just go
Bis Setup(Bis setup don't mean SWP!! go what makes ur gear Optimal
26 expertise
15% hit as Smf
12% as TG
8-10% as arms
str>haste>crit as smf(if u need choose between 2 Peices) Dont think that'll happen tho
Str>crit>haste as tg. DONT rage tap to much as tg, it's all about rage control.
Str>str>str>Whatever as arms, Ms>op>slam>HS, just HS as a rage tap. Ms>Op>slam is your rotation.

And the only reason why you shouldnt use Glaives as smf is that
Raging blow goes on main/Offhand wep dmg. offglaive is fast.

Swp fists /apolyn x2 ap/str + wep dmg is superior to the haste proc of glaives.

I dunno what happened, i started writing somethign small and quick
But i Couldnt Stop

(know u know most of this and some ifs off the point but)

you are putting haste > slower attack speed and an insanely huge amount more of AP, your raging blow would hit for a fraction of the amount it would if you have a slow OH, and this is already putting into consideration that you do not have mastery at 70 so therefore raging blow is already a DPS loss just by using it. the only viable spec glaives have is combat rogue at 70. dont bother trying to argue that they are superior dps, because it has been tried since wotlk and glaives have, and never will be, a viable alternate for SMF fury warriors.

if we are going into it, Hit at 70 would be more viable than haste or crit because we do not have mastery, the reason being is that with TG a huge amount of our base damage comes from auto-attacks, unlike SMF.

also SMF at 70 rofl
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