Rate my 19 Hunter

Pandura said:
Hunters made after cata is all 1/10

Any 19 twink hunter made ever is -5/10

but your gear is just about BiS
made this guy during WoTLK, only tweaked his gear to the cata changes. My how i miss AP from Int.

-swap those boots for ones from W.C

-pick up BOA Gun

-swap the halbard for the rockslicer

-finish proffs

-put minor speed on boots

-put minor speed on boots

-put minor speed on boots
Like danceparty said switch out halberd and go with rockslicer or in my opinion I would go with the pole arm that drops from the Deadmines and get a 25 agility chant
I think WC boots or Lynx are Pref either you get AP or crit :p I personally use Lynx

Maybe someone can show me up here but thats just what I've found
Lyconis said:
so much hate for hunters. Twinks are spose to own so why not use the most ownage class?

It is true, that prior to having segregated BGs, twinks were supposed to own. However, now that we have to queue against only other twinks, we must work together to keep BGs as fair and balanced as possible. If twinks, whether they be grouped by class or faction, are not on equal footing, disdain and hate will grow in the community, and people will start quitting. If too many quit because of imbalance, queues take longer to pop. If queues aren't fast, more people quit because of THAT. It spirals downward towards total destruction of the bracket.

Earlier in WoW's life, we didn't have to worry about this. There was a constant stream of newbs to fill the spots in BGs. However, now we are a community. Now we must band together to promote fairness and equality (for the most part) so that we my all have fun.

TL;DR Delete your hunter

on topic: 9/10 for the gear, just need minor speed and rockslicer is an option, but if it takes you below hit cap, then I suppose you have your reasons for not using it.
well i cancelled my wow subscription anyway because im going to play Star Wars: the Old Republic.
ipodz said:
Like danceparty said switch out halberd and go with rockslicer or in my opinion I would go with the pole arm that drops from the Deadmines and get a 25 agility chant

Impaling Harpoon? No.

Stam stacking as a hunter in a non FC set is bad.

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