Rate my 19 druid FC!

9/10. Finish prof's, get 5 resist to cloak. 7 fire resist is nice, but it doesn't help against other schools of magic (arcane damage, shadow damage mainly, plus CS, fears, etc.)
hey i'm working on one myself (Fxc-Kargath) and the only things i would change are:

16 armor to pants.

Random belt of the monkey (6 agi, 6 stam, more armor)

Random cloak of stamina (8 stam)(put 5 all resistances on it)

Bracers of the ancient grove (only 1 more stam, and would require a faction change. not worth it imo)

then just max out on mining for an extra 7 stam (i think). Utamar is a good armory to look at. cheers!
0/10 for sucky link
11/10, skill> gear. with just gear, 8/10, get sash and profs up.
Tarantula belt, 8 stam dungeon cloak, lvl prof alch > mining. This is because you get bonus to all your pots and mining only gives you 70 hp. So you get 120 mana from elixir of wisdom, 600 hp from healing potion (non crit), about 55 hp from elixir of fort. bracers of ancient grove, 16 armor on legs, get boots with minor speed on them.
Is the monkey belt really better than the stam belt? Idk if there's a leather stam belt but the cloth on may be worth geting

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