Have a rant or rave of your own?
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Rant for me:
*Blizz makes free to play and Vet accounts merge with exp OFF players.*
Pretend you're a new player and really want to go from free to play to sub. You decide to que up for player vs players cuz it's the aspect of wow you haven't done yet. You enter a BG and get dunked on by a 29 geared to fuck twink. You say to ur self, fuck this game, I'm going back to whatever game filled your spare time...
How can this potential experience lead to growth of accounts and/or longevity of existing ones? This change feels like an oversight the quality assurance depo hasn't found out about. Any new "organic" player will most certainly quit and move on to another game. Whatever audience Blizz currently has, is at its height rn, unless they change this merging. No way account subs go up after this initial fluff.
Maybe then, they will address this huge flaw in their current design?!