
I'm looking to recruit someone.

Message me with your details and what not.

(US) - (You can pick realm) - (I would like to be Alliance, but you can pick too)


Thought I forgot something ;P
This would be the correct section, so don't worry

You should also tell us if you are EU or US. Will help a lot
Do it with someone you know. It makes playing at the same time easier and you can work out a lot of details before easier. You know the person and you trust then, otherwise you could end up doing RAF for one week and find out you got a ****** for a partner

Tips: Get Ventrillo/Skype or someway to talk to each other - makes it better and type can become frustrating,

: Try to get Bags, gold and some combos in mind. Do some prep work so you maximize your benefits.

: Don't do professions (First Aid excepted). They slow you down and you can complete after (but if you want to, you can do as you level).

: With combos, try to get either one of you as a tank or healer. Makes queuing at lower levels so much faster.

, try to pick class that will go for different gear. (eg: Priest (cloth, could DPS or Heal) and Pally (mail/plate, could DPS, Tank and Heal)

Enjoy it and hope you love you Rocket Mount
Yes, I tried with someone I know in real life, but we don't get along.. I also, don't know anyone that plays that I know as I'm not in the group of friends that does this kind of thing if you catch my drift.

I'm just hoping to find a decent person, that I can give a chance. I don't really care if someone ends up leaving. It's worth a chance because in the end it's just a game.

Still Looking
Hello fellow twinker. I am highly interested in your offer. Im on us spirestone and have 4 70 twinks and 2 80 twinks on horde. Im willing to go on any alliance server but if youre interested in 80 alliance we should look into Kargath server. Whisper me in game on gymnophobia, drschwag, or humpit.

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